General Discussion

General DiscussionVenomancer-

Venomancer- in General Discussion

    I've seen many boosters playing venomancer jungle, in other regions does happen too? Or did you see boosters playing other heroes jungle?


      we prefer not to, but idiots take our roles.


        Sure, I supposed to those booster pick venomancer jungle for the reason you mentioned, what heroes would you pick in Jungle?


          most boosters would only go for blood and legion.

          but you can basically jungle any hero.


            oh, thx, how many acc has you boosted?

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              way too many

              Story Time

                what is the point of boosting anywhere else than by playing mid? If you are better than enemy than you will dominate the lane anyway. Dominating the jungle on the other hand is smth that is hardly comparative advantage after 3.5k mmr

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  most efficient way?


                    Jungle is always good because most shit players forget about the Jungle so he gets undisturbed farm. Which is more likely than getting a free mid through lack of wards, ganks or even another good mid.


                      I mainly see them as invokers mid or AM safe lane. But venon jungle is also a good idea rushing midas and getting lvl 10 fast, if he reaches 25 the game becomes extremely annoying for the other team

                      Dire Wolf

                        why would a booster want to draw them game out to ~45 minutes required to reach 25 on veno vs just picking a fast paced hero like meepo or troll and ending in 20 mins?

                        Why would a booster want to jungle and risk mid feeding like crazy and making the game uphill climb?

                        Of course it all depends on the booster I guess.


                          No boosters on 1k sorry


                            becoz even if the mid feeding hard u can still win them because they got no brain even if they got their items
                            this is from my experience playing in 1,6k bracket as jungling am and got battlefury in 25mins+brown boots, but still win the game with 800+GPM
                            everytime my mmr drops and got kicked to low priority, i can even get out lp so easily


                              At current meta you would better not jungle at all, or play half lane, half jungle for solo offlane role.for example if you jungle legion, at normal conditions you can get shadow blade at around minute 1, before, at minute 12 you had shadow blade + power treads, this is very huge difference.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Minute 1 SB LC jungle :o

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  I started playing legion mid and offlane when I was 1k to get to 3k. But more often than not, people would pick another offlane or another mid, "assuming" (after I had marked the lane already) that I go jungle. In the end I just fucking gave up. I instamarked jungle every game and went from 1k to 3.7k. At about 3.2k-ish, I was finally starting to get an actual fucking lane though so jungle spamming was less common.


                                    Veno jungle is broken.
                                    Rush hand of Midas and 5 minute level 6 then go to the enemy safe lane and make their life hell.