General Discussion

General Discussionviper very strong

viper very strong in General Discussion

    actually this hero is very good i first pick it and go mid
    win 5 game in a row


      Idn how someone can be enjoyed by playing this hero.


        how did you manage to drop to 4.5k

        chicken spook,,,,

          Marlan 4k

          chicken spook,,,,

            Not marlan

            Giff me Wingman

              we know viper is a cancer hero, but he is so fucking boring.


                He is cancer because he is also easy to play.
                IMO Spirit breaker is just as cancer as viper only that spirit breaker keeps bashing you throughout the game while viper is annoying in lane.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  20 armor is bullshit tbh. Even though he doesn't do much damage he becomes almost impossible to kill in the late game even with mediocre farm.


                    solution is to know hero
                    Dont play deffensive vs him
                    if he stayed at your high ground punish him with your support


                      He should be removed or totally remade. The most boring hero in Dota. He is only not considered to be broken, because how boring he is.

                      Mlada i Luda

                        @Mind lul bra. punish my ass , you will need 2 hero rotation + a mid that can help a lot , sick coordination and spell timing and yet probably he will turn and kill 2- of you lul. that hero is broken as fuck ,i dont rly know who is most broken this patch necrolyte or viper. viper was always lane dominator , but now he also scales better , but even that fucking insanely strong lane presence its enough to win game so ez this patch . @Imprecis he dont need to be removed or remaked at all, its not of cause of his broken skills that he is op. he was always like that but in the meta before he completely sucked . its the "overall meta changes " that made that hero insanely strong indirectly. in the meta before was not a big deal to loose mid vs viper you could go farm jungle and you would be more farmed than viper in his fre elane probably , but now that jungle nerf and that +1 creep in mid , completely changed the things, i dont wanna sound smart but at the first min that i read the patch with those changes ,i was like " shit viper is gonna be sick ", idid not see necro comming though XD.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          viper talents op in game


                            @arin cuz I play for fun first picking invo or someshit and get rape


                              btw viper is the most fun hero to play for me right now cuz no support that can come and fuck my lane up and invoker is boring than this hero because he is unplayable in SEA server enemy team gonna pick cancer hero and counter me instead

                              Dire Wolf

                                "Even though he doesn't do much damage"

                                doesn't do much dmg? He has a 16 agility talent which is a lot, poison adds 28 magic dps early which is a lot when you're like level 10, (consider diffusal burn dmg is 40), nethertoxin does 96 extra dmg to heroes under 40% and a whopping 192 under 20%. Get a building to 50% and viper can finish it off fast. Plus his range talent + hurricane pike = 790 which out ranges towers so he can hit high ground easily. Just get AC or butter on him and watch him shred buildings.

                                His right click is actually way more potent than his poisons late. I think that's most people's issue is they build tons of tank items assuming living longer means a lot more dmg with his dots, but his raw dps is so much more than his dot dmg late and he's naturally tanky with his armor talent and corrosive skin, all you need is a bit of hp, which you get off hurricane pike, bkb, or s&y/manta and that's usually enough.

                                I just played vs a viper who built skadi, s&y and heart and had no dmg, well he did have bloodthorn, so we just saved him for last every team fight. I like to go mjollnir, pike, ac, butter and melt towers.