General Discussion

General DiscussionSome In-Game Decision

Some In-Game Decision in General Discussion

    What you do if:
    1. You are playing Necro/Sniper or any mid hero with no escape. You take their mid tower pre-10 mins due to your enemies being shitstomped by you in 5 min and leave the lane. I feels like continue pushing is a bad idea since there are no deep wards to anticipate their ganks. Midlane also didn't have a camp you could pull to reset the creep equilibrium, thus giving them farm near their t2 tower which I don't like

    2. As a solo support (lets say AA or silencer, or any lv6 hero) and get stomped hard by their aggro lane, you decided to leave the lane and let the carry at least got solo xp (since he don't want to leave lane for jungling and leave me to have solo xp, he prefers we chainfeed them in lane and cries for ganks which will never came). Where you should rotate? When the rest of the lane (mid are offlane) are doing fine already, I fear that my presence will only hinders their xp gains. Should I go jungle or roam their jungle with smokes and plant deep wards instead?

    Will add some question later. Thank you dotabuff

    chicken spook,,,,

      1. You snowball other lanes, create more pressure, since you basically "won mid", quite an obvious choice.
      2. "Doing well" =/= shitstomping their lane so hard that they won't have problems making space for the carry to get back in the game
      But if both lane already do shitstomp without your help, go plant deep wards/help them push, etc


        So basically (in the second case), abandon 1 lane to get 2 others? Noted thanks

        chicken spook,,,,

          Mid is usually your main babysitting target, teams that won their mid lane tend to have way easier time doing well in the mid game.




              u dont drop his tower even if u can and u keep the creeps' meeting spot toward ur side. u make him either go jungle or come back and take a shit ton of damage even die. if u think u have kill potential in another lane, u push the wave to his mid tower, then u go gank other lane and get tp from side shop and tp back

              if u drop his tower lane's gonna push toward him and give free gold and xp. i'd say it's not a good choice to drop mid tower early, cuz there's no pulling to fix the issue like safelane can

              chicken spook,,,,

                u dont drop his tower even if u can and u keep the creeps' meeting spot toward ur side.

                m a p c o n t r o l


                  I love how these topics are full of 3k advices


                    enlighten us with ur opinion mister soon to be 5k

                    (free farm to enemy aint map control, unless u continue staying mid after the tower falls to stop him from farming


                      I played a necro game where I rekt mid got tower early. So I just hung around near their tier 2 mid to continue the pressure

                      Riguma Borusu

                        You cannot pull to reset the equilibrium, but what you can do is push your own creeps into the enemy tower, have them die while you do something useful, then the creeps will push towards you. You can also aggro the creeps to kill the ranged creep so you can deny it, so the lane pushes in your favor. If you know what you are doing you can deal with it, if you don't, then, well...

                        Sometimes with a rotation you can even take T2, but it's pretty rare that nobody will react if your opponents have any brains, after all, they have many points of entry into their mid T2, where you only have one, so it's very easy to cut you off.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        Dire Wolf

                          Push your mid lane really hard then go farm jungle. When it pushes back to your t1 farm it.


                            ye true one thing u can do after lane is pushed is aggroing back to range creep and bullying the enemy away. this makes the wave push toward u and u can continue playing like the first minutes of the game