General Discussion

General DiscussionOffering help to teams and ambitious players

Offering help to teams and ambitious players in General Discussion

    Hello guys, wanted to inform you that i am offering coaching session for teams and players of any level. I can provide help on any topic or role regarding dota 2.

    Short info about me: 6.3k support player, team captain, in-game leader and drafter of team White Walkers ( ), have won several tournaments with prize money (against 8k players aswell).

    You can find more info about me here: . I offer first time session FOR FREE (usually goes for up to 50 min).

    You can contact me here if you are interested or have any questions:

    Ten temat był edytowany

      I know who can teach cheaper...

      chicken spook,,,,

        Wrong forum I think
        But you seem like quite a reliable guy to learn from


          I'm posting below an amalgamation of posts from a thread I posted not long back in a failed attempt at discussing the basics of drafting. This is both a combination of advice from other players and things off of the top of my head. I understand reading and scrutinizing all of it is too tedious, but I would appreciate if you could find any glaring omissions or mistakes that you can find, since as you mentioned, you are a team leader and drafter, any advice is greatly appreciated.


            Part 1: Roles and team composition

            1. Cores: So far as I know, we can call the Mid, Carry and Offlane the cores of the team. I'll talk about offlane later, but what I understand is, the mid and safe lane should complement each other on what they do in the game.

            a) One of these heroes (never strictly one or the other) reaches its peak and starts fighting in the mid-late game. Therefore, he farms and split pushes, and also sometimes buys Midas. The other complements it by coming online earlier, and therefore, fights to make space for the greedy core to come online. He fights with the team, pushes towers, and generally is good at taking Roshan.
            eg. If the mid is TA, she dominates her lane, comes online early and allows for a greedy safe lane pick. If the mid is Invoker, he buys Midas, farms his Aghs and accelerates it by getting sunstrike kills, therefore requiring an early game, fighting safe-laner.

            b) One of the heroes primarily deals or builds items to deal magical damage in the late game, and the other deals physical damage. The lack of either can make itemization for the enemy easier.
            eg. Again, if you have TA mid, you wouldn't really need Sven in the safe lane, even if he's a really strong hero and can solo against some offlaners. In this case Morphling or Necrophos might complement TA well by dealing great magical burst damage.

            2. Supports: There are more ways to classify supports, I think, maybe because I play support more often.

            a) One support is greedy (position 4) and the other sacrificial (position 5). The position 4 focuses mostly on his own items that might change the tide of the game, are core or simply crucial, such as blink dagger, because the hero initiates fights with disables. The position 5 buys wards, sentries, smokes, dusts and is usually satisfied with boots + wand even in the mid game.

            b) One support roams and the other lanes with their safe laner. The laner pulls and stacks creep camps, harasses the offlaner and comes to the carry's rescue if he is ganked. The roamer ganks the enemy mid, harasses or sometimes kills the offlaner with the safe laners and steals the enemy bounty runes. They may also secure river runes for their mid and stack when there's nothing else to do. Earlier, I was under the impression that position 4 is always the roamer and position 5 is always the laner. However, I've learned this is not strictly true.
            eg. The best example would be KOTL, who doesn't have decent lockdown to gank and therefore usually lanes and farms his Aghs, which is core for the hero.

            c) One support is defensive and the other is offensive. Meaning, one support has heals/saves/defensive buffs such as armour or movement speed to save cores and also sometimes dispel hard lockdown from the enemy. The other support is offensive/disables/initiates and sometimes has a key high damage skill that is particularly strong in the early game.
            eg. Oracle and Venge played as supports are usually defensive and use their ultimates when their core has a hard lockdown on them, such as Primal Roar and Lasso. Heroes like Shadow Shaman and Lion primarily have heavy disables and burst damage.

            3. Offlane: The offlane is a position that I believe is most flexible or versatile, when it comes to their role in that particular game. I believe they usually fill a gap that the team composition does not have. This is not mutually exclusive, but the most popular/strongest offlaners are those that can:

            a) Lane solo against the enemy safe lane, therefore being able to not only get farm and solo xp, but also contest the enemy carries farm.

            b) Be able to retreat to the jungle if necessary, when pressured by the enemy support team.

            c) Have some form of hard lockdown i.e. a spell that pierces spell immunity (BKB and the like), and even better, cannot be countered with a Linken's Sphere or be dispelled.

            d) Make space, either by being extremely elusive, hard to kill or simply have controlled units that push the lane.
            eg. Dark Seer and Nature's Prophet for split push, when the team doesn't have any. Especially good, if in the rare case that both the other cores come online early and fight and take towers, allowing for the greedier offlane. Magnus for comboing with Melee physical DPS heroes that can both accelerate their farm and amplify their damage in teamfights. Enigma for the hard lockdown with pure damage which is not countered by Linken's and also be able to push with eidelons.

            Part 2: Counters and team synergy

            Firstly, a general but not strict rule to Dota that has been applied since the very inception and can be applied roughly to most high level games:

            Split push counters > teamfight heavy lineups.
            Ganking/map control counters > Split push lineups.
            Teamfight/deathball counters > Ganking/map control lineups.

            Now for the main stuff, that we should all keep in mind, irrespective of the nature of the draft:

            a) Take advantage of the current meta and pick the strongest combos.
            b) Take into account what heroes your team can play.
            c) Pick strong lane matchups for your heroes.
            d) Have a specific plan on hand and ban hard counters to that strat before hand.

            Execution specific rules:

            a) Draft cores who can flash farm. Preferably those who can fight in between farming and continue taking objectives after fights.
            b) Draft tower damage. Direct damage from heroes that support the Drow strat, specific heroes that have siege damage such as Tiny or Brewmaster or heroes that ignore tower armour such as Jakiro, Pugna and Leshrac.
            c) Pick teamfight heroes that have one long cooldown high impact spell such as Warlock, Earthshaker, Enigma and one short cooldown constant initiation spell such as Axe and Slardar.
            d) Draft as much disables as possible. Also, besides stuns, have good chase potential or 'catch' on the team.
            e) Draft atleast one hero that can solo Roshan or take Roshan with the team since it is crucial for high ground siege.

            Part 3: Draft phases and hero combinations

            This is where I could really use some help. This is all I can come up with, off of the top of my head, right now.

            First phase:
            a)Bans: Strong meta heroes or signature heroes for the enemy team, if that team is known or recognised.
            b)Picks: Versatile heroes that can fill multiple positions, to keep an open draft and allow adjustment and thus provide a good lane matchup for your heroes.
            eg. Mirana, Puck, Earthshaker, Sand King, Timbersaw, Faceless Void.

            Second phase:
            a)Bans: Heroes that synergize well with the enemy's first phase picks.
            b)Picks: Heroes that synergize well with your first phase picks.

            Last pick:
            a)Ban: Specific ban to enemy last pick's signature hero or strong counter to your potential last pick.
            b)Pick: Strong finisher that complements your team and allows for a favorable game for your MVP player (most likely mid).

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              are u and ur current team going to play in jdl #11, and if so, are u div2 or div3 after prev season?

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                6k coaches GIGALUL

                Potato Marshal

                  Well, the most famous and successful Dota coach is Purge and he's only like mid-5k.


                    Yo analboi u shud probably add this guy and talk to him on steam cuz idk if anyone wants to fill this with gigantic posts abt drafting?
                    Kinda in depth


                      Yo analboi u shud probably add this guy and talk to him on steam cuz idk if anyone wants to fill this with gigantic posts abt drafting?
                      Kinda in depth



                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        1) kormoranas - coaching services is just like any other services where the general rule applies: the less you pay the worse is service you get
                        2) Anomalina~ - i prefer talking it through with voice communication because then i will take way less of time, feel free to add me and i can help you with your questions
                        3) TripleSteal- - Yes we are, we will play in div2

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                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                            hes played dota since the release? he knows from top to bottom he doesnt care about mmr xd

                            he fucking cares but he sucks ass, the only reason he's famous is he was streaming and uploading videos since dota 2 was released, that's how a lot of ppl got attention like streamers who're not even good players, but they streamed since the beginning of dota 2 and got kinda famous cuz there weren't so many ppl doing it.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                ^not all the casters r low mmr
                                i heard from od that ld may be around 5k
                                cap is high mmr for sure


                                  he fuckin sucks