General Discussion

General Discussiontread switching + hotkeys

tread switching + hotkeys in General Discussion

    i dont tread switch and i only have 3 bad is this for me from a skill development perspective?

    also CK has on overall 53% winrate and i have 60%, or spirit breaker 59% and i have 70%, does that man im just that much better with this hero then the average dota player?


      not trolling btw, it never ocurred to me that those 2 things are important

      chicken spook,,,,

        It gives some edge on farming speed and uptime, but it's not exactly fatal if you're too lazy to do so (unless you decide to not buy an active item the game really calls for because you're too lazy to have another button)


          so you have 3 item hotkeys?



            its this bad isnt it?
            i dont use my mouse though, i somehow happen to never need more then 4 keys.

            thats why i only play pos 4 and 3, and only viper/necro mid lmao

            theres no way around practicing hotkeys in empty lobby i guess :/

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              I play with 3 item hotkey too cuz zxn is too far away from my thumb


                tread switching isnt hard

                and if u want to u can bind keys on ur mouise as well


                  idk how u can use 3 hotkeys what happens if u got 4 items that have actives? i.e. boots of travel shivas sheep forcestaff

                  do u swap slots or do u click the items? LUL

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    how is it possible to have 3 item hotkeys u never buy 3+ active items or what??


                      There are ways around it but hero pool will be limited .


                        i mean just add 2 keys to ur rotation

                        1 where u always put treads/phase (for tread switching) and 1 for tps/wards/anything u dont click too often

                        that way in case u forget about the hotkey its not too bad, also consider changing ur hotkeys completely to add hotkeys uare more comfortable with


                          since im not tread switching that hotkey already opens up lol. and yes i play heros and roles that dont need a lot of hotkeys. try finding a puck or QOP match on my dotabuff.

                          i actually ordered a nw mouse yesterday so ill get 2 new easy hotkeys


                            I didnt buy bloodthorn on sven cuz there is too many active item and skill on sven !!


                              fuck it today im not playing i will be practicing tread switiching and new hotkeys

                              dont want to be on the same level as anime avatar above me

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                                Tread switching is important

                                I use TXCVB space bar

                                Honestly it's not hard to find comfortable hotkeys unless your coordination is that bad




                                    i have big fingers you weaklings


                                      tread switching is very useful. depends on the heroes u play. it blows my mind u only have 3 keys for items. but then again it depends on the heroes


                                        @ op and chiwa

                                        thats why ur low 3 k mmr !!!

                                        i also see every carry i suport in 3kmmr games dont switch treads and im like ok we lost i just gona buy wards and hope for best idc if i lose with this shits


                                          u can also use ctrl or alt modifiers if you're that stuck on using on only 3 keys

                                          but yes, it's quite bad.


                                            I use 1-6 for items and just don't play meepo.


                                              i use 123tcv for items, 45bg for control qwerdf abilities y quickbuy x buy sticky and a attack s stop

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                I play with everything default yall kys

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I use 1-6 for items as well, typically don't have more than 4 actives as most, so 5 might be tp or bots. Like typical troll game for me, phase - 1, bkb - 2, butter active - 3, tp - 4. That's about it.

                                                  Tread swapping is really important on certain heroes who spam stuff to farm like slark using q. It would be important on troll if he was every dumb enough to go treads over phase. Can't think of many other heroes who it matters on. Maybe pa with dagger spam but most pas go phase?

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                                                    i have mouse 4 set to first skill, 2 and 3 set to second and third skills, mouse 5 set to ult, and my item keys are default (ZXCVBN)

                                                    white boy summer

                                                      alt-qweasd is good since the items are located where your buttons are visually. yea it takes a bit of getting used to pressing 2 buttons for 1 item but its better if u ask me


                                                        Sir Action Slacks got to 5k without using hotkeys

                                                        You're on your way to the top OP!

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Just start using all hotkeys, I don't understand why you wouldn't. I have my items set 1 2 3 4 SPACE 6 which might seem retarded but I can use everything that way, and 1 2 3 are quickcast, where 4 SPACE 6 are normal cast.

                                                          I hardly ever even get treads, but when I do it's on Sven, who does benefit from tread switching a lot, so I do it, but even if you don't tread switch too much, sven's fine with a few clarities or if he builds an echo sabre. Also shrines have made tread switching a bit less important, but it still makes things easier for low mana pool heroes in particular.


                                                            Heroes with small mana pools like Sven benefit from tread switch a lot. Don't forget space bar can be a hot key for items.


                                                              My items is mouse 4 and 5, space, and 1,2,3
                                                              I just make sure I don't have more than 3 active point click
                                                              For example, I can handle 3 active point clicks, like atos, dagon, hex, I'll just put my one touch and done items like bkb, sb, blademail, crimson, greaves, on 1,2,3 if my other keys r taken
                                                              My only limiting factor is blink has to be on space, I can't use blink on other keys.

                                                              Erase Humanity

                                                                Smallest of advantages could create dramatic differences later on. I'm too lazy to tread switch but I absolutely believe it's crucial.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Don't forget space bar can be a hot key for items.

                                                                  This is how I do it on Sven - I hit spacebar once to switch to int, use all my shit, then hit it twice, it has become such a habit that I'd probably do it even if I didn't complete treads for some retarded reason.

                                                                  Tread switching can be as much of a habit as phase boot spamming which you do while farming and going from camp to camp (but you should use your phase boots in a smart way while chasing targets).

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                                                                    I keep treads on a mouse key
                                                                    Tbh I've only learned to tread switch on am, I don't rlly treads switch in fights yet cuz I have to think abt other things more.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      The whole point of tread switching becoming a second nature is that you literally don't think about it, you just do it. It becomes muscle memory, just keep your treads on the correct slot and take note of your hero's primary attribute, or which treads you actually prefer to have on the hero. For example, if I build treads on BS for tankiness, if I am running into a few heroes and know I am going to take damage, I keep treads on strength, if not, I put them on agility to hit harder and heal more (percent wise) after a kill.

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