General Discussion

General DiscussionRetarded Queue's.

Retarded Queue's. in General Discussion

    i mean like giving one team 6k player and others are like 4.8k , while other team composition is five 5.5k players. but still same avg.
    whats the logic behind that? lets 6k player try to carry those 4.8k teammates while enemy team is way more stable mmr avg. how it can possible 6k player can beat five 5.5k player.?
    consider it like there are some experience differences between 4.8k and 5.5k players. i only give that for an example. that could be happen at every brackets. like think ur 4.5k player and ur team fullfill with 3.1k players while enemy team fullfill with five 3.6k player and still same avg.
    that pretty makes no sense and make games harder for high mmr player one ( i mean his mmr comparing the his teammates without any debate that 4.5k is low or 5.5k low for some stupid ignorant dotabuff forum users.)
    i mean ofc dota is a teamplay game but there are obvious thing there are waay to much experience and play style differences between these brackets. its just make game harder for people.
    i m okay with 10 min queues. i just dont want lower mmr players comparing to my mmr, isnt that the reason people improve their mmrs, not que with lower mmrs and find decent games, right?

    Ten temat był edytowany
      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
      Potato Marshal

        I'm not even going to bother playing anymore till they fixed unranked matchmaking. I don't know if that behavior score change is to blame, but over half the people in my matches are under level 20, with some as low as 2.

          Ten komentarz został usunięty

            @potato marshal yeah i got 9.3k behaviour score, i dont believe it effects it cuz my last tinker was like raging a lot while he was sucking the game and he has only 3.2k mmr. but at least he didnt feed. lol


              nvm you dont get it lmao


                then explain pls just dont post it over there without any words lol


                  Fair enough






                        your argument is stupid but if you feel like a genius then go to dev.dota2 forum and complain there

                        dotabuff has nothing with valve


                          Fucking weebs




                              Scrupt 1k you !


                                Don't trip, I get trashcan players a lot more than you do, so take solace in that and enjoy your actual GOOD games.


                                  these kinda games long ass time ago were the best


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