General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen exactly is medusa a good pick?

When exactly is medusa a good pick? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    What stars need to align to make medusa a good pick? Most of the time when the game is so-so I just see the hero not fucking doing anything for a good chunk of the game, and then either losing when people hardly bother to even kill her or winning by dealing no fucking damage.

    In terms of her standing in the meta, I don't see her as being too good most of the time, though.

    Diffusal is like a no brainer item for most carries.

    Invoker is super popular.

    Nyx is super good.

    Her damage output is pitiful unless you build her more like a non stat based carry but then she can die way too easily and she's really slow and kitable despite having a big range.

    What's the appeal or purpose of this hero? Do you want to be a sponge for a good part of the game on the off chance that you might start dealing damage later? How do you play it? When do you pick it?

    inb4 "go see guides": What I've seen in the Guides section is, efficiency aside, exactly the way I see medusa even in 3-4k games, she sometimes gets a ton of farm but her team wins the game for her, maybe she gets a ton of assists, but has shit HD in general and very little in terms of kills, while soaking up all the farm. If you take note of Sven and Luna, they are AoE carries too, one melee one ranged, but they mostly outdamage everyone in the game unless there's a zeus or tinker in the game. I am not asking this for the sake of my shit unranked/3k ranked games, but out of pure curiosity, because I just don't see how one can be really useful with the hero, and there is nothing else that would've been a better pick.

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      Used to be good counter pick when Void was a hard carry - when he timewalked in to ulti you ulti immediately and meant that his own ulti was wasted because he'd be frozen.


        pick her for a strong midlaner, generally when there aren't obvious diffusal carries. Pick her in games that aren't likely to be over in 30 min and i like to pick her with drow because she then is actually able to come on line in the midgame and actually deal damage.

        Dire Wolf

          With drow. When enemy has no agility carries.

          Idk she's just not very good right now. But she's not as bad as people think. I still see way too many building linkens first item and manta. If you go aquila, lance you will be pretty tanky with just those at like level 8 and dmg is ok. Just go take t1s with ult to shield you and then farm up fast.

          I don't really like Luna in this meta either, she doesn't play well from behind and is squishy.


            Well I the only way I'd pick her is as a mid , with a safe lane drow , and the enemy having a Sven .

            Player 404335202

              I pick it against sven .. Works most of thr time for me


                almost never


                  Just don't pick her into Nyx/Anti Mage/Invoker/PL

                  Fee Too Pee

                    mask of madness good for medusa right? no?


                      Literally the only time she's amazing is if you pick her for the sole purpose of buying aghs and countering an enemy CK. She's amazing at that job. Unfortunately that's pretty much the only time she's amazing. She's decent in deathball Drow strats like Dire Wolf said too. Other than that, really not a great hero.

                      Like I've said before, literally every aspect of the game has been changes in some way that makes her worse over the last few patches.


                        She's good in an early push strat


                          I imagine she can synergize quite well paired with KOTL, considering how I saw that hero played out in the pro scene. Forget the obvious "chakra magic" for providing her with mana in emergency situations, the playstyle of early tower sieging can be adopted. She isn't tanky at all early game but with Dragon Lance and Aquila can start chipping away at towers and have KOTL back her up. It's not super strong early unless you have Drow on the team, who was almost nerfed out of the meta and there's the problem of having two of your cores stand in the front line hitting towers. But with KOTL Aghs and a few stat items like Linken's, DL and Skadi, she can stand and siege high ground for days. But again, the damage problem is always there, and I've experienced how measly it is unless you're 7 slotted with no boots.

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