General Discussion

General Discussion-25 LUL

-25 LUL in General Discussion

    I start the ranked matchmaking queue. I hit accept. I join onto a match. Halfway throughout the hero select time, my computer crashes and starts an update, once it rebooted. I knew the game was a goner. I was a little upset, but I knew I didn't abandon a game this week. So I was fine. Right? Well when I logged back into my Dota 2 an hour later, I realized something was missing. Yes, some of my rank was missing. I looked onto the game that I abandoned and I lost 25 mmr points without the game actually starting, before first blood happened, before the heroes were actually on the map. I didn't do anything involving skill or teambuilding by my computer crashing, and since the game didn't even start, why should that affect my rank if no one received a loss or gain in rank? I am concerned about the competition of ranked because there are other people that can abuse this to get a lower rank.




        ?? ifu abandon u -25.


          and if u do it too much u get LP. how do ppl abuse this to get lower rank. lol


            Everyone else in your match won't gain or lose mmr, but you'll lose -25 if you abandon


              Who cares dude, it would've been a 2k game anyways.