General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiance Ember spirit?

Radiance Ember spirit? in General Discussion
Ars Nova

    My friend always talks about how radiance would be so good on ember, im not so convinced. I like the idea of farming but due to the new magic ember brought in and battlefury out i like to aim for the mid game and that includes constantly pressuring the enemy team and items like veil, linkens and shivas help with survivability which ember really needs due to his down time on his spells to make this effective i feel radiance is a huge investment and the pay off may not be as great as you need it to be . Thoughts?


      Radiance is situational
      It definitely is good/viable
      U buy it when ur tanky enough to survive in the middle of fights
      Try bursting and killing an ember with rad octa Shiva linkens and the 10 armor talent lol

      Story Time

        why not maelstrom for procs of chainlightning? Seems more viable

        Potato Marshal

          Radiance combined with flameguard is really powerful on certain heroes that sleight of fist isn't good on. It's really good against heroes like TA that absorbs sleight of fist's attacks with refraction but melt away from radiance + flameguard, it's also very good against a hero like Slark who you can't sleight of fist when he ultis, but still takes heavy damage from radiance.


            radiance is very good, but never build radiance in cleave build


              holy shit how cancer can you be man


                Lp booster