General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I playing Earth Spirit right?

Am I playing Earth Spirit right? in General Discussion
honor guard

    Early game I will rotate and skill 2-1-1 skill set from my rotations. Then I will build tranquil, wand, urn, then situational items respectively. But when I fail ganking like I die constantly without killing the opponent, should I just stack the jungle or support the safelane or continue to roam. Idk man but can you please send me a guide or tutorials or what on how to play this hero? Btw, im 3k scrub so anything that could improve my gameplay will help me :)

    < blank >

      just build guardian greaves every game in your bracket


        dont listen to him he is very bad

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          I have a hard time resisting to buy OOV on melee pos 4