Those who don't win games as supports don't know how to support. Then again, I've had those games where my AntiMage dives the enemy tier 4s after our first base defence and first chance at a comeback while I stand in the RS pit spamming the "Roshan" chat wheel message and watch him die. I guess you even have to go that one extra step and outfarm your own safe laner.
Btw, what could I have done to win this game? Was doing really well early on, then realised I can't do shit against the enemy AM.
^ that game is your invoker job , ur fucking invoker have 300 gpm with mega advantage early game. how the fuck
^ I'm not asking what my team could have done, or what I could have told my team to do. Come on, be realistic, this is a pub game. I'm asking how do you solo win this game.
^where's your atos/ did great but im sure atos/hex is absolute core when you want to solo win games with visage. ...just grave chill into atos and keep killing the 14 min treads am....and srsly dont buy that much wards if you're planning to solo win....just ward where u think the sniper /am will be farming and keep killing them with medallion atos
man so easy to win streak with support..
u just get to crush lane with ur skills and then everyone snowballs. even if ur carry is a dumbass supports usually have amazing teamfight abilities and u can just rape by urself. lower mmr just means games are easier because there are more opportunities for you to kill noobs and people wont tp react to u
low mmr supports have a ton of issues, but its usually this:
their item builds are fucking awful and garbage. i dont care how good u are, if ur buying blink 1st ur probably a complete retard. yes ur blink cm is dumb and bad, get a fucking force staff or glimmer cape and sit in the back instead of getting jumped and ur blinks gone oh no you fed
positioning? what's that? I just hit tower oh no slark jump me and i die :(. Oh my team dont kill everyone while they focus cm? gg noob team. meanwhile u have 800 hp and 2 armor because you rushed blink/drums like a goon and have no innate survivability
wards. supports either buy not enough or way too many goddamn sentries and have brown boots and a stick at 30 minutes. jk bad supports are pretty much guaranteed to skip stick and raindrop, after all that 200 gold will bring me closer to my midas/blink/drum/other useless garbage. ive seen 1 item cm vlads lmao
what wards they buy dont matter because they have no clue where to place them at all. wards are dropped in random garbage spots. expect to have bot rune vision at 34 minutes, but no rosh coverage. If the offlaner blocks your camp good luck! buying sentries at 0:00 is an advanced tactic far beyond these individuals tiny peanut brains
luckily the support knows exactly what to do in the early game. That's right, stand in the creep line and split your xp 50/50 while letting the enemy offlaner soak up xp and get a 2+ level advantage. Then they die because literally any offlaner can crush that kind of lane with a level advantage, and the support will probably draw creep aggro and tank creeps down to 75-60% hp and feed. but that's not the supports fault! why didnt your underleveled and bullied ass help him
^Most of what you're saying is pretty much spot on. Spirit breaker is my highest winrate hero and it's clear why this hero has such a huge impact. There was this one game where we stomped the early game and just started taking the throne after mid racks. I kept faking my Nether Strike on heroes that took one step out of the fountain. They were so sissy, they just kept backing off and let us win. Players just don't know that you need to draft both a defensive and offensive support.
It's not always that easy however. I don't consider a lane won unless I've killed the enemy heroes there atleast twice and shoved then into their jungle. And is it really your fault when you initiate on an easy enemy kill and don't get the follow-up required because the core is too focused on farming? That's the number one problem I have playing roaming heroes, and believe me, it's my favourite role.
Then there's that one game I had where I roamed as a shaker and saw my safe lane CM building brown boots, windlace into straight blink. No lane wards, sentries, smokes, nothing. Jumps straight into teamfights and casts ult, gets deleted. Atleast I had the decency to buy arcane boots first. And the irony of it all is that I get pinged to buy support items despite successfully ganking all three lanes and winning then for my teammates. Luckily I all muted, kept my composure and won the game.
Again today, I carried an AM who lost the aegis and his life again literally 30 seconds after we got rosh because he wants to jump into the enemy with just manta and battle fury. And that's a 20 min BF, 37 min Manta AM btw. Despite the world of space I provided. Holy shit.
spirit breaker is ez mode in every bracket, absurd hero really. he's probably the 1 hero everyone can play, especially "carry only" players. just spam Q on enemy mid for an easy game
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its fucking hard to support at normal bracket . 2k team make me sick .. Just looking to my carry can't even last hit creeps and joining at clash without item specially anti mage . make me lost hope supporting!