bad build. Aqui/Wand/Treads/Pike/Manta/Shivas/ you don't have any damage. You're basically a very tanky creep that has invis.
stick to meta. it's meta for a reason (like ppl figured it's the best build over thousands of games).
The playstyle of this build is different, I played it as a farmer like AM, not ganker/split pusher. But late game you can solo kill, push out waves and farm with manta, offer great disable and control with vyse and shiva's, although you don't burst as fast as you would with deso and solar, solo killing is a lot less risky. It's also near as impossible to solo gank you.
It does have damage I urge you to test it.
i also theorycrafted. It's like this : Soul ring, aquila, treads, solar crest, deso, bkb > bloodthorn> go from there
You really don't need Soul Ring this patch because of the extremely long duration on his ult, if you aren't a noob and know how to tread switch the mana cost is minimal.
You really don't need Soul Ring this patch because of the extremely long duration on his ult, if you aren't a noob and know how to tread switch the mana cost is minimal.
^if ur playing mid i don't think sr's worth it actually since u can ferry clarities and there's shrines
it's good on safelane however
sr enables u to use ur q sparingly to farm ancients kill towers or quickly deal with the wave and gtfo
Why TF wud u buy shiva's?
If u wanna kite and tank buy a skadi
If u want armor buy ac
Both r far superior items on clinx
Manta does Jack shit cuz clinx doesn't have agility steroids, and abuses searing arrows, neither of which r helped by manta.
Hex is good lategame, but u don't always need it.
any build that skips solar crest will most likely end up losing.
12 mins screst treads can solo kill enemy HCs and give you huge leg up.
if you're farming and let enemy hc to farm, you'll lose (think 1v1 against AM or pa)
u dont always want solar crest, cuz desolator is better at hitting buildings
orchid/bloodthorn is good, but u dont rush it, its more of a mid to late game item
Manta is the most overrated item in this game. It's horrible on 80% of the heroes. Especially because ranged illusions are just horrible.
Manta is the most overrated item in this game. It's horrible on 80% of the heroes. Especially because ranged illusions are just horrible.
i mean it is like euls on most int cores, sometimes u juts need that dispel
most melee core illusions r fine, and even some ranged heroes like morph and drow have good illusions
however it is overbought sometimes, i see arc warden with that shit and i get so confused
manta is good on am, spec, tb, luna, maybe ck.
it's pretty good for split pushing (SF benefits from it too).
if you want the armor whytf didnt you go for ac instead of shivas? or solar crest?? i dont see the situation when you prioritize shivas over ac or a blason. Also manta is not totally thrash, is just situational to disspell debuffs and aganst ta is ok.
The skillset of clinkz makes him an optimal ganker and pusher. Playing him as a farming carry is suboptimal.
I played it as a farmer like AM, not ganker/split pusher
Then don't pick a goddamn clinkz
It's not even a fun meme build, it's straight up garbage
You're mistaken. Lategame you can't even kill creeps with that build. It's a bad build. With it you're just a faster creep..
I theory crafted a bit and I came up with this build for Clinkz, demon edge demon edge demon edge. Then sacred relic sacred relic sacred relic. Then any item like a rapier or a divine. I took him jungle and did this, even when I was in a game against mentally disabled children I got decent Wards Bought and a loss. Do I require a lobotomy?
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I theory crafted a bit and I came up with this build for Clinkz, Aqui Wand Treads. Then D-lance Yasha. Pike Manta Shivas Vyse Mjollner. Then any item like B-Thorn or MKB. I took him safelane and did this, even when I was in a game when I completely rebound keys I got decent GPM and a win. Is this luck or not?