General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm conflicted, help. (This is a long post.)

I'm conflicted, help. (This is a long post.) in General Discussion

    For the longest time, the forums in Dotabuff have had countless threads about people complaining how their teammates lost them their game, their sanity and their precious MMR. About 90% of these posts are from people in the Normal skill bracket, not surprisingly. Looking for 3 step solutions and broken mechanics on "how to get VHS" aside, the focus has always been about how to do "this", because my team doesn't do "this". And that's fair. Lack of communication is the leading cause of losses and this game would be a whole lot different if people could read each others' minds over the internet.

    This has gone on so much so that even the term "every game is winnable" has become a meme, and the thread bearing this title proves it all. I get it, the actual term "every game is winnable" is not true. It can't be. We are all humans and even on a good day, with our best hero and with a good mindset, we can lose. If this weren't true, 9k and 10k players would never lose. The concept or purpose of this term is to actually inhibit the mindset into yourself that every game you are playing can be won if you try your hardest, and if you don't believe it, you won't put your 100% into it. I have seen it in streams, pro matches and even Youtube replays that these players don't give up despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Those who do get a bad repo and a string of reddit posts about them.

    Ever since I realised this, I decided to mute all chat and solely use the chat wheel and other in-game automated communication using hotkeys, because maybe 98% of my games were full of negativity and clashes. I rage and tilt really easily, and I take every game too seriously, even when is not ranked. I hate losing and being a support player, I hate losing the early game even more. In those situations its hard for me to compose myself and hope that things can turn around.

    Doing this obviously has its drawbacks. People in my skill range rarely take chat wheel messages seriously. Despite sacrificing my ability to spam the "Frog" sound for other important messages like "I'm retreating" or "On my way", being away from teamfights that I don't think we can win almost always results in rage pings, and soon, rage reports. After my utterly unplayable ranked experience about 6 months back with a string of abandons due to power cuts and internet cutouts, I recovered and maintained a high "Behaviour Score" (over 9000) for a very long time. However, the rage reports from teams who were lucky enough to have a spare one has currently put me into a 5.7k score, and the experience is nothing but awful.

    What actually made me write this post are these players that I got queued with.

    Now to believe that I actually deserve to be queued with an Invoker like this really makes me question how matchmaking works. I don't know if hidden MMR exists or not, I know its been discussed plenty of times. I spent more than half of my time in Dota playing unranked games trying to widen my hero pool and knowledge on every kind of position. I know this did nothing to actually make me learn about solo-carrying games and tactics because I never really did play a lot of HS or VHS games, but after returning to ranked and actually being pushed into a hole deeper the more you try to crawl out of it makes me question what you have to do to get out of it in the first place.

    Believe it or not, I actually found more success in games where I just half gave up, playing offlane, safe lane or mid (basically cores) and started going full position 5 spam buying wards and sentries and whatever it was required (like dusts and smokes and such). I took fights I knew we were going to lose, walked into the enemy and threw my spells aimlessly, knowing I was going to die and kept repeating no matter how many times I did. This made the enemy team focus their attention on me every time and actually made the rest of my teammates try harder because they thought they were playing with someone below their skill level and they needed to carry this "noob". I didn't enjoy these games obviously, so I stopped it after a few of them. In case you were wondering, yes, this is why I instant buyback everytime I die in pub games. Even in those moments, I fully believe I can win the game, because I am better.

    So this is the question, smurfers, blue stars and gods alike. Tell me how you deal with such a situation? Do you fight fire with fire? Rage back at ragers? Die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian? Or just play a dozen games a day and simply hope for the best? You tell me.

    Sorry for the long post. I needed to spill it out.


      trust me you cant drop from 9000 bh to 5.7 for no reason.




          trust me you cant drop from 9000 bh to 5.7 for no reason.

          Yeah, I did abandon a game because I got called by my family and they don't understand the concept of an online game. Sorry, forgot to mention that.

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            tldr please


              lol, you dont drop 3k bs for a abbandon. it took me 3-4 abbandons and god knows how many reports from party players to drop me from 9.5 to 8.1

              Potato Marshal

                I had a recent string of unfortunate computer issues that made me abandon a few games and I only lost around 700 behavior score from abandons.

                white boy summer

                  how about playing mid and not relying on your teammates


                    how about playing mid and not relying on your teammates

                    Funny how everyone has the exact same mentality. Why doesn't Dota have 5 mids though. :thinking:


                      your right about that..... Everyone must forget the words CARRY/SUPPORT/GANKER, this is all rubbish. If you want to be useful, to win the game, you must play on all heroes, instead of crying like a baby when you have to play carry.
                      Clement "Puppey" Ivanov[1]


                        Yea playing while you're chill helps you to focus


                          From my (rather shitty) exp I can say that you can't climb mmr unless you try really hard on each and every game. Every (ranked) game is indeed winnable, I strongly believe in that. Of course you can't win if one of your teammates starts feeding courier continuously, but you'll guaranteedly lose in this situation as long as your enemy exploits that advantage. There were some games where I managed to win with an intentional feeder, or barely escaped defeat with intentional feeder on enemy team. Bottom line is - it's like sport - if you give all, you'll achieve something (mmr), otherwise you'll just continue being an amateur


                            If you fight fire with fire you're just gonna end up in the flames of the hell of dota like me. Watch my last games and laugh. The only way to get out is to literally mute everyone and play your game. Forget about ranked 'till you have a normal behavior score, around 9k, and only play to improve mechanically, to try new builds and heroes or whatever. Forget about winning at all costs, you can't win every game in general, imagine when this rigged trash matches you with the russian Pudge, 2 midders, the 0-7 offlaner and the 300 gpm Sven. Mute e v e r y o n e, seriously. GL

                            edgy names + anime pfp 1only

                              1 solution to get out of 1k
                              Hit creep get farm

                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                IK i'm pretty trashy as a player, but I keep spamming ranked and just mute everyone and play my game. probably have around 6k behavior score rn from the reports I got from my MoM lycan and my last game I had a CM who kept 7 wards in her inventory and would not give the wards to me nor let me buy the wards myself for me to plant, but I just let it all go after each game. some professor of mine used to say that before you step into your house from work or school, you hook your coat full of worries and problems on a coat hanger and enter the house without them. kinda like you enter a new game without your tilt from the last one. of course it wont work everytime but its up to you how long you would like to keep it working

                                edgy names + anime pfp 1only

                                  I saw a lot of obvious mistake from 1k. And for you i think is you are too busy finding kills and not farming at all. So you better learn to afk farming first then you learn when you should go and fight


                                    Just focus on getting better. when you realize all you can see are the flaws in your team, or how shitty match making is, its usually because you're not able to compensate with your skill.

                                    recently i've noticed a sharp increase in the number of retards and uncooperative behaviours in my team. but lets be real, its because ive been playing bad and unable to win games. retards were there all along. games just get more difficult as ppl get better, and u cant 1 v 9


                                      btw, nice lose streak slq


                                        btw, it's called hidden pool in fact.


                                          Which, I mean, is the point of the thread, dogs every game. I mean, let's use brains every once in a while.


                                            I'm not 1k btw. Also, MOM Lycan is really good. Also, I do focus too much on kills and too little on farm. Not sure if you were directing that at me but it is true. I have a very aggressive play style, play level 1 roamers hence I don't lane, hence I don't practice laning techniques or farming patters. I'm usually dirt poor on my supports.

                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              try not to flame people might help


                                                tldr please

                                                tldr please

                                                tldr please

                                                tldr please

                                                tldr please

                                                tldr please

                                                tldr please




                                                    Holy shit no one even realised the same guy posting using two different accounts.


                                                      ? Fite me kid ?


                                                        holy shit ur bad lol

                                                        General Asim Muneer

                                                          you have way more winrate with supports... try spamming them, muting all cancer and not taking all that cancerous shit on your mind... mostly enemy team is just as retarded.. u gotta deal with it...thats life

                                                          Example :

                                                          i muted all of them telling me to defend and did what i thought was best .. solely winning game.. i am not saying i am really good or anything.. but the point is to not take the cancer on your nerves

                                                          edgy names + anime pfp 1only

                                                            Idk anal boi your playstyle is retarded coz u didnt hit creep. If you want to git carried to 4k like my "friend" go ahead :)


                                                              I mean some roaming supports r too aggressive, go for kills when they're not possible, feed, then flame
                                                              Also ignore ur behavior score, unless it is so low or u r getting matched with an intentional feeder every single game, u can win without listening to teammates
                                                              Don't Auto mute tho, I reserve judgement until I see if they flame or not


                                                                See SLQ. Retards will see it as hidden pool. Smart ppl are able to remove their cognitive biases and see that they just get stuck because they're bad and what they see is actually a result of them being bad and not the other way around


                                                                  @slq. So we have Two hidden pool ppl in this thread. One in 3k and you yourself in 4k. How come u could climb and he couldn't and both are being held back ?


                                                                    Behavior score is a factor in matchmaking but taking it as an excuse is simply wrong
                                                                    If you are in the hidden pool (the actual one, the onr with tranquil headdress bots) most likely you deserve it anyway

                                                                    Shadow Moses

                                                                      I've been raising my mmr from 1,9 to 3k for 3 years anyway... Stuck in 2,3 - 2,5k with spamming carry.. So I know the problem is a role.. I learn to be a support and Offlaner.. Be a playmaker is a key to winning a game.. Fill the gap in your team is 1st good step to make the game is winnable.. Remember, map awarness really important in the game.. if you are support or playmaker it's good to backup your teammate when ganking or get ganked than let them die while you are farming in lane...

                                                                      Sorry for my bad english anyway...

                                                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                                                        Gonna break the trend and actually try to answer.

                                                                        1) I would always pick a self-sustainable hero in solo ranked. If I do not, then I am gambling and would have no moral right to brag about team being bad.

                                                                        Like, if you pick Night Stalker, you know from the start, that you're giving the initiative to your team. You informally agree with it by picking such a hero.

                                                                        You knew what this was up to from the start and only have yourself to blame.

                                                                        That's my thought pattern, if I ever pick non-solo heroes in solo ranked.

                                                                        2) In games, where you have no team, you either snowball and literally win 1x9, which is possible OR you just pray and farm/cut waves/split push.

                                                                        If you can't farm, split push or contribute to the game at all (because you have a garbage hero or the enemy is WAY too far ahead) and you can't collectively kill at least one of the enemy heroes, then I would go the traditional Shadow Amultet into Blink build and just concede.

                                                                        Completely serious and not ironic.

                                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                                          Either way, if you're actually good for your bracket, then in the long run you will have high winrate in ranked, if you're bad, then you'll stay ~50% or below.

                                                                          Individual games don't matter. Trends do.

                                                                          In one game I may be throwing with afk Shadow Amulet, but in the end of the day I am still ~66% winrate in ranked vhs mm.

                                                                          In the long run, your teammates don't matter and all is up to you.

                                                                          If you're good for a 2k level, you will have positive winrate in 2k.

                                                                          If you're good for a 3k level, you will have positive winrate in 3k.


                                                                          зачем я начал поиск


                                                                            This is one of the things you can do, if you're 100% positive, that you don't want to play any particular game.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              What's the fun in that?


                                                                                Random every game, shout in mic, "good game" spam, abandoning without regrets, that's how you should play Dota.


                                                                                  How do you check Behaviour Score? It's actually the first time I've heard of it and I'm very curious.

                                                                                  basement :)

                                                                                    1. Pick Viper.
                                                                                    2. Win the game.


                                                                                      it's not an in-game thing. it's a mindset thing. the calmer u are in game the better u can think, the better decisions u can make. matchmaking queues are like driving on the streets. u have no idea who the other drivers are (unless u are driving with ur m8s) and those drivers could be proffesional formula1 racers or horseshit drivers or newbies. even in dota valve is giving us a better situation by making a road for around each skill so we actually have a better situation than driving. now what u can see in driver's reaction isnt about what all other drivers are doing. it's about the driver himself and his mindset. a person like me has no reaction to a guy who drifts from my side to my front. maybe a sec of fast brain reaction to take control of the car but not cursing the guy or even creating a loop of that scene in my situation.

                                                                                      change ur mindset. the how can be found online or better, on books

                                                                                      Tomicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                        I expected too much after reading the tittle, and after all it was a longest version of "how to get vhs" or "how to gitgud" or "my teammates pushed me down" all in one.

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          Simba 16 hours ago
                                                                                          Random every game, shout in mic, "good game" spam, abandoning without regrets, that's how you should play Dota. thats my boi lol. at the end of the day might have drop 100 mmr, but who gives a fuck anyway. meanwhile ywn, staying awake all night thinking what he could do more for that - 25 axaxaxaxaxaxaxaa, poor kids. XD


                                                                                            Autist? Autist


                                                                                              You'll have to accept that 50% of the time your team will be heavy, and the other 50% your enemies will be ezmode.

                                                                                              To win and climb mmr, you'll have to bite the bullet the try to win 10% of the games where you get the monkeys. You can't take it personally amd get mad when your team has the retarded pudge or the fail mid storm.

                                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                                almost every game is winnable though


                                                                                                  ^winnable till the draft is over.

                                                                                                  you can tell the outcome of a game from the draft with reasonable accuracy.

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    thats loser talk i believe

                                                                                                    meteor hammer


                                                                                                      someone first picked ember and swapped it to me, jungle lc and useless carry medusa

                                                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                                                        nvm our draft was pretty good against ck and qop im just still salty about having to play the ember