General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes anyone answer me that opendota show the correct hidden mmr?

Does anyone answer me that opendota show the correct hidden mmr? in General Discussion
Myanmar Striker

    I am surprising opendota show 3.2mmr although i did not play in high skill .


      ofc it doesn't, it even says itself that it's just an estimate

      Myanmar Striker

        Estimate should be 2.8 mmr below ?
        Cause i was playing in Ns now


          Yes. Estimate is always wrong. If you're normal means u suk lol


            Maybe you are close to high skill though who knows

            Myanmar Striker

              I will not get high skill cause i know playing in Ns a lot. It will not give me Hs when the first 10 games not getting.

              Myanmar Striker

                Btw my invoker and strom has good win rate . 0% winrate :):):)


                  Yes I think there's no hope for your smurf. You have bad kda in Norma skill so valve gonna put u in 1-2k

                  Player 404335202

                    Before calibrating limit (3.5k) , most of my smurfs ended up on 200-300 mmr more than what opendota shows !


                      My estimated mmr on opendota is 3800.. So harsh damn

                      Myanmar Striker

                        Abys - u are not new player . A lot of games u played .
                        Opendota for smurf only


                          doesn't really matter

                          you have normal skill and 40% winrate, your best hope is that you get a 4 digit mmr, HS/VHS is way out of your reach

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          Myanmar Striker

                            Cookie u are so negative ppl . I can bet with u . 4 digit number is too easy for everybody if they know how to play dota


                              i never get vhs match ups.. haha


                                @op, are you claiming you know how to play Dota?

                                Myanmar Striker

                                  He said 4 digit mmr - lol this guy fk off