General Discussion

General Discussionimpossible to beat meepo

impossible to beat meepo in General Discussion

    If he loses mid he goes to jungle and outfarms you. If you gank him the other cores get free farm. The hero is lvl 20 with twice your carry's networth at 20 mins. Hero needs a nerf. Late game he just suicide for your rax and will always have aegis since he kills roshan in 2secs. If he dies he buyback and suicide rax again. Short death timer.

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      Hue hue hue I know. Team needs stuns and coordination


        But again good meepo players are pain to deal with

        meteor hammer

          annoying hero


            if he just isn't countered by 95 heroes

            Vem Comigo

              Different from popular belief area dmg doesnt destroy meepo, maybe in lane, focus on 1 of the meeps and kill it, all the others die as well.

              Potato Marshal

                He's one of the most easily countered heroes in the game, I've solo killed as a Jakiro before despite being significantly more underfarmed and underleveled.


                  whatever you think counters meepo he can overcome with gold and exp. Even if you kill him over and over it doesnt matter cuz he still gets gold way too easily. Plus he also has 4 other teammates. If you use all your ults to kill meepo there is still another core on his team. The simple fact is the hero takes up way too much time and spells to kill over other normal heroes.

                  Potato Marshal

                    Except Meepo is only strong because he saps all the gold and exp from his teammates, and he's feeding a lot of it back whenever he dies.


                      a good meepo take all farm on the map , he is basically a position 0 and the rest of his team are pos 6 , if you managed to kill him his team should be underfarmed enough to not stand a chance , meepo main weakness is that if any dies all dies , so try to gank and isolate any meepo you can , he is very very weak in the early game and he doesn't recover fast from a bad start so gank him early as 2+

                      his main counters :
                      pos 1 : basically any one that can burst him fast , sven is the fan favorite but he is easily juked so be careful
                      pos 2: invoker does very well vs him , OD can burst him down later in the game and can isolate 1 meepo
                      pos 3: depend on the rest of the team , void if you have ranged dps or invoker , slarder if you have physical burst , enigma is good vs everyone
                      pos 4+5: here lays the best counters , disrupter ,warlock, lich ,es and es ,pudge , WW , wd


                        u are talking like this is captains mode. Meepo is only picked last. There isnt sven or whatever


                          meepo is very good hero indeed, but it doesnt need nerf :) Just mostly people playing it has a lot of skill, but the very same would happen with any other hero. FOr example phoenix players most often are also very good, and real pain to deal with, while the hero himself is no way op :) when you are spamming hero, and you are really good with it, very many heroes can become pain in da ass

                          Pink anus

                            Meepo has very skill cap and he farms and levels too fast. It's all about timing.

                            "Gank him and you'll be fine" is the best way since he is almost defenseless early game. Ratting aside, he doesn't carry as hard either.


                              except you pick wyvern and he becomes literally useless

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                WW is literally the best meepo counter ever. Building Hex or having a shaman/lion turn him into an animal works wonders, especially if he is running away from you.


                                  Meepo actually sucking his teammates exp, gold, so they're underleveled, unfarmed, as goes late, his teammates doesn't scale well
                                  Fight against him need a good initiating and coordinating


                                    he doesn't have a short death timer any more. crowd control is the key to countering meepo.


                                      This hero is generally a walking sack of gold due to comeback mechanics and also because he vacuums all the maps gold/xp. If you can survive his first aegis timing and slay him a few times even if you don't have specific counters like Axe, wyvern and Sven most agi carries will outscale him with bkb+butter.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        sven, winter, earth shaker, timber

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Nerf meepo ? Are u kidding me ? Why dont you play him yourself then ?

                                          Meepo is already nerfed since net doesnt stop chanelling spells eg. tps, shackles, dismember, cm ult, wd ult etc.

                                          Nerf to dlance. Personally I prefered him when he didint share stats and with net cancelling all that shiet mentioned above.


                                            ^yeah but nets stop blinks and ember remnant outs and other escape abilities.

                                            This means fried queen of pain for breakfast, or dead ember spirits or faceless voids, anti fucking mages, etc.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              i am pretty sure net was buff. He never needed to stop those other things u talked about. But him being able to prevent all forms of blink and other spells that moves ie void time walk, qop blink, even slark pounce is a major buff. Since there are more creeps mid now. He is often lvl 20 by 15 mins. Yes he will be feeding gold later but he is also solo killing anyone with a hex. Even if say late game he is weak his teammates are very farmed now with the space he created. The roshan thing is a big deal one of the reasons why ursa is extremly high win rate is his team is always getting roshan and aegis.

                                              Pretty much he counters all the viable mids now. storm cant ult, qop cant blink, puck cant move, ember cant remnant, I guess od can astral himself but other than that nothing beats him mid that is meta right now.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                just because you win a lane doesn't mean you win the game, why do you think he isn't picked

                                                why do you think natural lane stompers aren't picked as midlaners

                                                in your theory bane/brood would be literally the best heroes in the game.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  There are many reasons why Nine is stuck in 3k, most of which can be seen in this thread...


                                                    because he's illogical and can't make a counter argument to his own ideas before spitting them out.


                                                      if your argument was true which it isnt. Imagine this.
                                                      You can still
                                                      ban mepo.
                                                      learn mepo
                                                      pick mepo.
                                                      Counter mepo

                                                      win game.


                                                        or even ignore meepo and just beat the rest of his team.


                                                          1 or 2 early rotations and meepo gets fucked mid, if he rotates jungle you only need 1 or 2 supps to pressure him, and roam around a Little to shut down the other cores


                                                            Cmon how many times you see meepo picked ? Once or twice per 100 games ? Well maybe more often in 5k+.

                                                            I dont know, you can correct me but I think slark can pounce out of net. Or maybe it was just well timed darc pacts.


                                                              I've seen a lot of meepos recently


                                                                Total shit hero

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  pretty much what ywn- said. Meepo is a trash hero. If you can't deal with meepo you fail at dota.


                                                                    meepo is really bad at the moment
                                                                    if you don't have twice of the enemy's networth at 20 minutes you lost
                                                                    he needs a buff
                                                                    also he's countered by every hero

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      I wouldn't say every hero, but quite a ton of heroes rek meepo pretty hard. It's kinda hard to buff meepo without making him broken or make it underwhelming.


                                                                        Hahahaha sure broken Hero.
                                                                        Idk How many Time my kunkka destroy meepo with xmark combo XD