General Discussion

General Discussionneed life advice

need life advice in General Discussion

    You eat at school if you can make dinner at where you're staying.

    internet at school too.

    as i said, you only need a place to sleep

    Ten komentarz był edytowany

      tbh nothing in this thread has sense but whatever

      if you lose that 50:50, you dont have place for how long? month? end of semester?

      and dont you have any possible student benefits for food in your country?

      I am responding for curiousity rather than for being helpful cause something of this manner should be discusses with your parents not on this forum


        i think u dont understand what she/i meant

        im on a queue, but there are some people in front of me in that queue - they don't release what exact position you're in

        she said its probably a 50% chance that i get a place there by 01.10, depending ony how many ppl decline the offer


          Idk ur position or how University/college system works for ur country so I won't say anything

          basement :)

            Just become a streamer. #Easy


              Idk ur position or how University/college system works for ur country so I won't say anything

              I agree. Here in my country, you have rang list, latest at mid August for dorm rooms. So basically, at mid of August you know if you are in dorm or you have to rent private room. And that is how should be honestly cause I really dont see point of leaving students (especially first year) hanging till start of semester and then tell them they didnt get priority to move in the dorm. thats really fucked up

              and besides that, here you have benefits on cheap food especially if you live far away. I dont know, I wont judge how education works in other countries.

              But from objective point of view, both solutions, A and B, sound shitty. If it is really travel of 3 hours, then believe me, its pointless and its not happening.. And living in hostels? what? come on, nobody needs that.
              If you have money for renting private in solution A, rent it. If not, I suggest find solution C


                I have a serious question. How are u expected to goto a different city to live and you have no money. Wtf is this? Do u have parents? Can u get a loan? Do u have a scholarship? You're not supposed to be a beggar because you're a full time student.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  i can't cook for myself


                    For the uni, definitely A

                    For the place, go for a cheap place
                    at the first month. While u doing it ask anyone u know there if they have an extra room in their house. Most ppl would say no but like if u keep asking a person would say yes and just go live in a rented room in another person's house. Idk if it works in ur country tho stil a very good solution.

                    For the food it's easy. U go search on net cheap food or cheap college food and stuff like that. U can make the cheapest stuff for a while.

                    For charging, uni. For net u can split it between uni and mobile phone net packages and tethering phone to pc for net.

                    Ps. You gotta go find a job asap. Get a part time job and it doesnt matter if it's smth like mcdonalds n stuff just start asap then when u settle in go find any job opportunities u can find that would give u more money. Get multiple streams of income while maintaining ur uni plans and other plans. This also allows u to be more busy so u wont have enough time to fool around in net and dota. ('member?)


                      Btw u can learn to cook it doesnt matter uf u never have done stuff before u gotta do it at some point let it be now

                      Hardy Boy Kels

                        Git gud


                          just learn to cook super basics
                          like make eggs or smth ez

                          Any Q'ers?

                            why go so hard for something so absolutely fucking useless, so you can sit around an entire collection of paid dipshits trying to induct you into their cult of mental retardation.

                            Go start a successful business, anyone can do it and you can make more than ever being a CS major, and you could self teach yourself everything you would learn from a bachelors in CS in 3-6 months flat from a computer. in 1 year could teach yourself everything about CS you would learn from a masters degree. You could get a CS job in 1.2 years easily.

                            At some point if you wont to be anything above average you need to stop learning from other people and cut your own path.

                            Any Q'ers?

                              4 years in a university is more than enough for anyone to start a business and reach about $4000 of monthly income from it atleast, if you hook with a good mentor you could easily be making $8000 self employeed instead of sucking the cock of failed old douchebags who dont know a single thing about success.


                                Not fucking everyone has entrepreneurial dreams like u drengod
                                Shut the fuck up with ur "wow I stert bisness so cool every1 be liek me plox haHAA"
                                U start a business, what is ur product/service? How do u sell it? How much do you need to invest? Where TF do I pull employees from? This isn't something to do as a fucking hobby, unless u have a vision what the fuck are u gonna do for a business?


                                  It's true if u can cut your own path and have the drive to do it, that's fine. But not everyone has the appetite or drive to take on that kind of risk.


                                    wait a year

                                    no one sais you have to sit at home for a year

                                    apply for a freaking job.

                                    learn to cook, wash, and basic stuff for survival in everydaylife that isnt dota related.
                                    only cooking for yourself saves you 100's of euros each year

                                    1jahr praktikum oder so? das geld sparen für wenn du studierst?

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      ROFL drengr just outautismed spunki. GJ


                                        i cant save money for my studies because ill get support from state (~700€/month), if i were to save money beforehand (~10k) they would cut my support accordingly (i.e. reduce 700 to 600) which is poitnless

                                        i know how to cook and how shit works, its just about finding a place to live but i think i got this covered alrdy ty everybody


                                          why go so hard for something so absolutely fucking useless, so you can sit around an entire collection of paid dipshits trying to induct you into their cult of mental retardation.

                                          Go start a successful business, anyone can do it and you can make more than ever being a CS major, and you could self teach yourself everything you would learn from a bachelors in CS in 3-6 months flat from a computer. in 1 year could teach yourself everything about CS you would learn from a masters degree. You could get a CS job in 1.2 years easily.

                                          hahhaha I swear, if I got a penny every single time I heard something like that I would have enough money to start my own business.

                                          College is not waste of time. College is there as transition from being fucking kid that revolves life around video games and drinking to being responsible adult. It is phase in which you realize life is not that simple shit as you thought it will be. Those stories adults were telling you become reality. But positive thing, it doesnt hit you hard, you can adapt, you have time do that .Its not meant only for the sake of education, there are other aspects you can improve in that period of your life so you can handle it better later.

                                          I dont say starting business after high school is bad. If you have starting capital, good vision, good idea, connections and most importantly good charisma, then go for it. Otherwise, just go to the damn college.


                                            try to learn how to cook something simple, at minimum. get some discounted meat at your supermarkets(grocers are waaay cheaper sometimes) , get tomatoes and eggs and cook it with your instant noodles. it might taste bad at first since you are trying it for the first time and all, but you will get better and fine tune it to your tastes. that's what my friends and i did when we ran low of our monthly allowances. breakfast was just plain white bread and spread for me, costs 5 bucks and that can last you a week if you manage your inventory well.

                                            your best bet on how to save money is to find like minded friends in campus, and share your knowledge? even lodging differs country to country, campus to campus.

                                            4hrs of travel to and fro is NOT RECOMMENDED unless you have limitless vitality, to which i say go ahead.

                                            best of luck pal! school is seriously what you make it out to be, there's always someone out there who has been in some similar predicament, so search them out for their assistance if you need advice (Y)



                                              From everything I've ever heard college was the best time of people's lives
                                              My dad said it
                                              My mom
                                              My coach
                                              If u listen to people's stories they're almost always revolve around college age

                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                You can get a job, and study at the same time, dont be lazy, how old are you ?

                                                Johnny Rico

                                                  dont even do uni, its a waste of time, do drugs


                                                    lmao @ Blunt :D

                                                    pick option 1, smartest.


                                                      Basically most people have a hard time finding a place to live while doing first year of uni.
                                                      Think about the different places were you could Live orstudy.
                                                      Think about the other people in the same situation like you.(go to facebookgroups and askaround)

                                                      There are lots of Uni students that share places to live and even offer places/coaches for free.
                                                      I have an extra appartment Just for this reason.
                                                      I basically rent it out to 2 people and whom ever needs it desperatly At start of first year uni.


                                                        Oh and learn to cook. A child could do it. Infact Children learn and so can you.
                                                        Google how to make Chicken boxes.

                                                        Basically you Cook chicken and make rice. done.
                                                        takes 1 min to learn and you can in a few hours make food for 1month. I do this amlost everymonth.


                                                          best option is to kys


                                                            lol Afeect

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              How did this retard get he option to get into an uni anyways?

                                                              go clean my toilet shitstain.


                                                                blunt butthurt cuz youre too stupid to get into uni?


                                                                  @everybody thx for ur advice but i finally resolved all issues concerning accommodation and cooking etc is not rly a problem


                                                                    glad to hear it!


                                                                      gl m8
                                                                      btw the comment below mine on saying

                                                                      Go start a successful business, anyone can do it
                                                                      was a funny one. it's like failed businesses didnt wanna start a successful business and all businesses go successful

                                                                      + i already knew danishblunt was a mid 20 aged kid but in this thread he really showed being a kid is just one of his severe issues


                                                                        Spunki come live with me and go to kings college or smth here....also computer science BCS is my lifes biggest regret, what a total garbage degree.