General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Kotl underrated?

Why is Kotl underrated? in General Discussion

    Kotl is one of my favourite heroes since he got everything needed for a pos 5 support but I've seen that people in 2k-4k bracket barely pick him. I've some thoughts but I would like to see your opinions :D!


      I'm a 3k support player and maybe I'm just bad with him but I just don't feel the impact when I play him myself. However I absolutely love having kotl on my team.


        I usually play him like this: mana leak - 3rd - 3rd - 1st -3rd - ult - 3rd -1st 1st - 1st - etc
        kotl is a good off laner too if you're planning to go 2-1-2 and spam 3rd on heroes like bristle, sandking or undying.
        He is also a great pusher, yet 5% pick rate lol.


          kotl is so good, but idk how to play this hero

          mr. rabbit

            hes boring


              u dont even take a point in mana leak until illuminate is maxed, even then i wud consider maxing chakra magic next and completely skipping mana drain.
              mana drain is kinda shitty, id much rather have a 500 dmg nuke.
              this and aghs rush is godlike.


                Lmao no! If you're babysitting main carry and the roamer is ready to gank enemy team's offlaner, mana leak comes in handy.

                also jdf8

                  annoying hero

                  also jdf8

                    even then i wud consider maxing chakra magic next and completely skipping mana drain.
                    mana drain is kinda shitty, id much rather have a 500 dmg nuke.



                      fuck mana leak, id only take a point in it against certain heroes like timber or bristle.
                      even then, it feels better to take illuminate.


                        in the guides the earliest u see mana leak taken was lvl 8, and once on the second page at lvl 4.


                          Lol ever seen a 6-7k+ sticking to the guide? Mana leak is really useful and it will remain like that, no matter what(especially when kotl is played as pos 5)


                            He can do amazing stuff, but the potential to mess up is big as well.

                            I had allies pushing 4 enemies out of my blackhole, or 3 heros out of disruptor ult. also in this bracket supports know that they should harrass the offlaner, but in the process they often nuke waves. and if you nuke waves while trying to hit the offlaner with illuminate you pretty much ruin the lane

                            TLDR people cant play him


                              Kotl is my most played hero. There is nothing wrong with my boy at all.

                              First skill should be almost always Illuminate. Harass by Hiding in the trees and hit the enemy hero without hitting the enemy creep waves. Pull/stack both safelane camps and farm it for yourself, but let your carry in on it too if he wants some of it. You want to play kotl semi-greedy, but prioritize giving chakra magic to your teammates over yourself. They usually need the mana more than you do, plus you get easy commends.


                                Indeed! I've seen a lot of pos 5 wannabe kotls who chose to play their hero starting with 1st which IMO is useless. Kotl is the best mana support hero who can be played in 2 diff positions. He's just lit lol.
                                PS: what does TLDR stand for?

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  The way i see it, kotl don't have a "go to" build, if you adapt every game you see this hero trully shine.
                                  Ex, if you have potential to kill the offlaner, you can chose iluminate or mana leak, if you can't kill the offlaner but you have a carry that can Harass the offlaner with skills like p.a or luna you can go for chakra magic and get level with stack/pull