General Discussion

General Discussionpudge players using scripts?

pudge players using scripts? in General Discussion

    played with some pudges lately that ALWAYS manage to insta dismember after hook. now, i know that's possible with shift queue, but it seems odd because those players seem to never miss.

    anyone knows if there is such script around? or am i just mad cuz bad?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      These pudge players are just good.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        there is a script called ensage that does what you described. But it is really rare. It exist but it happens alot rarer than you think.


          Pudge can shift queue dismember enemy mid hook, no? Seems normal.


            if they are using MMO keyboard with keybindings (for combos) or an mmo 14-button mouse, they will almost always pull this off :)

            shitty wizard

              it's not that hard, when you hook, especially long-range hook, you can repeatedly cast your dismember on hooked target, and there, you got instant hook, but you need a good vision to do that, if your vision is not good enough, try repeatedly cast your dismember ON YOUR POSITION, why ? Hooked target will coming to your position or at least in front of you with the recent patch, if you cast it IN FRONT OF YOUR POSITION, your hero will be move to that cast position and therefore you'd miss the cast point on target unit, but sometimes it worked too

              Johnny Rico

                You are just dumb, you can click dismember on the enemy mid hook.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  I don't think I've ever play the fatty.

                  But I can active my Ursa ulti just 0.5sec before a skill hit in me (Lina ulti ect.)

                  and I dodged a magnus Ulti twise and his horn push lot of times in single match (like his skill 70% miss on me LOL) with Lycan.

                  I am more like a scripts user from how it look HAHAHAHA

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    You can't shift queue hook dismember without having animation backswing ruining your combo timings