General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i climb 3k to 4k?

How can i climb 3k to 4k? in General Discussion

    Someone gimme tips :) to improve my gameplay

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      win 2k game first


        This account is just my smurf though so any tips?


          As a fellow low mmr player i would say that muting toxic people ASAP every game, greatly helps

          1-IceTea 🌟

            As a 5K player I suggest you to avoid laning,jungle your way to 10K


              play ranked , not normal games


                @1-IceTea wouldnt jungling every game get you reported?? And be placed in lp?

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  ^Yes it will and LP is a gift for me - a special secret time that Valve let me pratice hero that I ain't familiar


                    Good fucking god you are probably not even 3k with that 38% wr normal skill acct lol




                        I'm mmr elitist xd

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          To get from 3000 MMR to 4000 MMR you need to gain 1000 MMR, and that means you need to win about 40 more ranked games than you lose, so you need to destroy the enemy ancient for 40 times more than you let yours to get destroyed. Hope it helps, follow me at MySpace and myanimelist @bwsmathclass


                            ^I'll look for you in MaL xD


                              Search with "Addicted to loli hentai"
                              No entries that matched your query were found.


                                @addicted to loli hentai

                                You helped....

                                Like a lot :D


                                  Learn the importance of taking objectives over kills, especially when you have worse late game than your enemies. I think this is the biggest problem when it comes to 2-3k brackets.
                                  If you can't recognize which team has the best late game expand your knowledge about drafts.
                                  If you ask your team to group up and push and they never listen and just afk farm like retards then spam a hero that isn't team-dependent, like Axe. This is coming from just my own experience, it was successful tho.
                                  Pay attention at what you do during games, for example I noticed that 'till a couple months ago I would just run around in circles like an idiot while playing support a lot of times, wasn't stacking, wasn't ganking, rotating, nothing. Or as an offlaner I would spend 3 hours in a game looking for the right moment to initiate on someone. If there's nothing to do in terms of pushing or killing then spend that time to be as much efficient as possible.
                                  Learn a bit about map awareness and itemization.
                                  And if you wanna raise your mmr constantly spam a bunch of heroes, that possibly cover the same role. Of course it should be the role you're more confortable with, not necessarily core. Again, if you support well or get a lot of assists as a roamer but your teams are just focused on being useless and end up losing most games then, like I said, pick a hero that doesn't rely on his teammates.