General Discussion

General DiscussionGot owned by a bloodseeker mid as Invoker :/

Got owned by a bloodseeker mid as Invoker :/ in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    How to deal with this thing? Lifestealer jungling in my team, blood maxes thirst and ganks around the map getting kill after kill. How do I lane against that? Cold snap, alacrity and just tank the silence, hope I win the manfight when he comes at me? Because if I back, he'll just chase me down and kill me. What an annoying foe!

    chicken spook,,,,

      You don't :)

      Pale Mannie

        bs shits on invo at mid

        Palmen aus Plastik

          there must be SOME way to work the lane?


            tell a support to rotate?

            Palmen aus Plastik

              ^man if they did that i wouldnt struggle as much xD i need to be able to win lane by myself. cant count on those.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Bloodseeker laning EZ
                But he's easy gank target
                The best you can do is just harass him and not losing HP
                mid is pos 1 btw


                  idk what to do as invoker as he's such a weak laner anyway in the situation

                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                    mid is pos 1 btw

                    can confirm

                    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                      just sit in base and use sun strike to get last hits


                        harass him, don't let him restore his health by denying( use a forge spirit if needed ).