General Discussion

General DiscussionAny advice for beginners?

Any advice for beginners? in General Discussion

    I played some games like dota earlier, but this is quite different(faster,more action etc). Any typical beginner mistakes I should avoid?

    Thanks for taking ur time to respond


      These are some tips that might help you get through this time:
      -Don't be versatile and play only a few(2-3) heroes till you become a "master" at them. This will help you a lot to know your capabilites.
      -It's good for beginners to play supporters which do not require lots of items/skills such as Lion or Ogre Magi(called position 5 in pro scene - google this).
      -It's always good for beginners to team up with some more experinced players or watch their games in order to gain some knowledge about the game.
      -Youtube is your best friend to find heroes who fit best in your team in various cases. Use youtube for guides to become familiar with the items and their effect ...
      That's all for know, gotta make breakfast gl :D


        3 fact
        1. Dota is a hard game
        2. Dont use youtube
        3. Dont autoattack creep


          Dont jungle midas any hero please :)
          or jungle in any case


            Learn how to lasthit with Range and mele heroes.
            learn how to play against other heroes.
            Play about 10 heroes. good starting heroes are; Sniper furion, Axe Jugg clock.
            Dont overthink it have fun and play!
            Dont think about items to much they almost dont even matter as long as you use a guide youre fine.
            learn how to use Blink and force.
            Try to thikn about how the money is gained. (Ie 1 kill is about 1 ceepwave)
            so taking 2 mins to gank is a waste of time usually.
            try to keep an eye on the mini map now and then.

            chicken spook,,,,

              Never care about what your teammates' mistakes
              The only gameplay and hero you can control is your own
              Focus on 2-3 heroes, probably ones you enjoy, less variables means more patterns which makes noticing new things easier
              Analyze high mmr replays on said hero you want to spam, people here can be quite misleading
              Apply logical thinking on everything you do on this game
              Always be open minded, if you got crushed against a good player, find out why, etc
              Youtube vids usually only tells you the basics like "if u hit creeps u get gold w0w subscribe me for yeezy mmr!"

              chicken spook,,,,

                And yes, being aware of everything that is happening and play accordingly. I am sure there will be people who will tell you "pick x hero go y build and z playstyle easy win....", please, just ignore these shallow suggestions

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Spam a hero


                    You say spam a hero, but shouldnt I learn what the different heroes can do? Hard to play vs heroes you dont know how works isnt it?


                      Furion and clock suggested as beginner heroes. Lol

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        And it's hard to improve as a player if you play 20 different heroes in 20 games
                        You won't figure anything out

                        Can't Buy Culture

                          Look up guides on the internet. Purge have made a good one called something like "welcome to Dota, you suck!". A lot to learn, and purge is a really great guy

                          < blank >

                            My advice for beginners is .. quit! This game will eat you from the inside and you should quit as long as you can

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                Quit before it's too late.


                                  My advice is prepare your mind for the toxicity of the game's community xD


                                    And know that dota will make you happy, sad and cry, mad, tilt etc



                                      I spammed lich for a long time when i just started search on youtube how to play the hero you choose (also make use of the ingame guides you can find them when you open the shop at the top left of the shop menu) and just play a ton of unranked matches...

                                      You will learn about other heros by playing against them aswell. I started in august last year and iam almost 3k now its a hell of a game, tried others after I started but dota is (if you like competitive games) where it is at.

                                      have fun!


                                        I almost forgot to mention, the most important thing you have to do is to mute TOxic players ASAP


                                          Dota is hard af. Learn to enjoy the game and don't become like retard hidden pool conspiracy theorists

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            Don't want to become thouse noob shit that always whine 'team hole me bake'
                                            'X server is so bad'
                                            'How to get out from X mmr'

                                            Then be like me,a player that only play jungle,GLHF