General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-Mage

Anti-Mage in General Discussion
死の恐怖 Haseo

    I feel like even though jungle spawn have been changed to every minute this hero still suck if u got fucked up real hard during the laning phase . i've been first picking AM for experiment and all of the game i got rape real hard & got carried by my team . why & when do people pick AM this patch? this hero suck balls


      Only you and bws and hbnn pick this hero


        Only you and bws and hbnn pick this hero


          Weak laners have no place this patch


            Good if u have four active heroes and they have no catch or wave clear

            chicken spook,,,,

              Only you and bws and hbnn pick this hero


                you don't actually get more farm with the changed jungle camps, if anything you lose farm because they nerfed the gold from jungle camps.


                  Am is one of the stronger melee laner.


                    ^strong against certain Melee offlaners. Otherwise a really weak laner

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      Is there really no game in this patch where AM is playable? I can only play this hero in safelane other hero are boring af

                      Can't Buy Culture

                        - Good if your team can create space for you
                        - Good if they have an int core who you pretty much can blow up with your ultimate (storm, invoker, qop, etc.)
                        - Good if you have support in your lane. you need to farm battle fury as fast as possible. preferably before the 15 min mark if you get treads as well.
                        - Dont join fights unless you are sure of getting a profit out of it. rather split push and get objectives.
                        Replay If you wanna look up: pretty much behind all game, but it shows the power of the AM carry.


                          He's also good against many ranged laners (except the few exceptional harassers). He also takes Harassing well because of his dodge ability and the fact that his first item requires Ring of Health which is just awesome in lane. He has certain strong counters though. AM's greatest ability is his hit and run ability (split push) which goes to $#!T if there's a Spirit breaker on the opposing team (or a Night Stalker with Aghanim). He's also pretty squishy and you never feel like you can win a team fight with him.

                          PS I'm considering getting Blademale on him to have enough time to drain some mana and Ulti.

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                          Can't Buy Culture

                            @Milad wait what? Blademail? lmao. you just split push all game until u are so far ahead of your enemies that u just snowball. if you're not ahead of the enemy carry in net worth when u play am, you are doing it wrong.
                            split push -> get items -> join fights when u see profit -> snowball outta control


                              being ahead of enemy carry isn't a problem but I find AM to be really useless in teamfights his only impact is his ulti. he doesnt get enough time to deal physical damage in small spaces not even BKB is that helpful. and if you're doing fine at one point you have to join teamfights. It's probably me sucking at teamfights not blinking next to the correct target or running out of patience for the right initiation, but even when I'm ahead of net worth by loads it doesn't feel that great in teamfights -.-


                                Situational carry like every carry.


                                  Don't blame the hero you clearly play him wrong. 4 big items before 30 min mark is good 3 is min. You die way too much in your am games 2 death untill youre "done" farming is already a lot. Just don't contribute to teamfights or start playing offlane if you like being active in fights thought the game.

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    He can start making things happen once he gets yasha or even BF alone, bad AM players either afk farm forever or fight 24/7 although they can't do it properly and ended up dying over and over again


                                      Just watch rtz playing him and analyze every blink so you know reasoning behind every move


                                        Be the mage


                                          unrelated topic but
                                          i love how monkey pick AM everytime i pick wk and the following lineup either 4 carry 1 supp or 2 carry 3 supp =)
                                          their midlane always invo, idk why
                                          love so much that i can farm + gank while the am just farming 24/7 trying to outcarry me :)
                                          aaaaaaaaaaaaand i take the rosh at min 25-30 GGWP ez wr

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            ^ 2222 SOLO MMR

                                            chicken spook,,,,



                                                Picks am to counter wk
                                                Dies to deso crit 15 min into the game


                                                  I'm convinced am is still terrible. Even against the proper drafts and consistently getting 13-15min bf cannot win with this hero.


                                                    Get good if you can't win with AM. The hero takes brains to win with and I don't recommend it for players sub 4k if your goal is to win as you won't have the mechanics/game sense to pull it off (for playing to improve though it's highly recommended).


                                                      u play support mostly tho...
                                                      am can easily take over a game in 1k, just that 1k's are bad at doing that (me included)

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        He's much better in the current patch than in 7.00-7.04