General Discussion

General DiscussionBoots for Luna

Boots for Luna in General Discussion
Story Time

    ok which boots to buy? I always thought pwer threads but looks like sometimes pahse are also not bad. Ideas?


      u know luna is fast AF already

      Story Time

        she is fast except the situations when other heros are faster (e.g. lina)

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          there was time when treads used to be real bad and phase were just buffed and then it was pretty good
          now treads are too good to pass up


            treads r better, tread switching is good for the hero, and she is already fast, especially with MoM and yasha

            Potato Marshal

              Generally you want treads, since you'll most likely be pushing and fighting a lot with your manta illusions. Phase is alright if you need to chase better when using eclipse and don't want to get stuck in a creep wave.


                Travel, greedisgood.

                AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                  tranquil to break dota 2, commend that 5555


                    I saw a guy just rush midas, he don't even bother with boots lol




                        Tranquil boots are good for her

                        Dire Wolf

                          Treads by far her best option. 10 dmg and 35 attack speed when on agility combined with glaives is a lot of damage. Get manta or at least yasha for move speed, she has super fast base move speed.

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