General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth buying helm of the dominator anymore?

Is it worth buying helm of the dominator anymore? in General Discussion
One Fourth of a Concubine

    Is it worth getting 2k gold for a bit of regen and small attack speed bonus?
    What heroes is it good on? (apart from stacking heroes and Drow)
    Is it worth getting it anymore in general?!!?


      no, it's trash


        just use it for cheesy strategy (dominate creep and hide it in enemy base so you can tp there and destroy enemy ancient)


          buy it if u wanna push fast game

          1-IceTea 🌟

            ^^ and ^

            You no need to do that if you play Lycan HAHAHAHAHA


              I still like it on luna. If you do make sure you make use of the creeps (scouting using spells etc).


                I miss the item. The item used to be really good and i just love how you can use the creep in a lot of way


                  Generally I only buy them on ench and chen. +1 creep is decent if you can get them quickly. Pretty hard tho.


                    I sometimes get it on earth spirit, when we are winning and i dont need euls.


                      Mom on Luna every single game, try maxing glaives instead of beam, and get ult at level 11. Can you double enemy hc's networth by 20 min if they are playing stuff like pa and spec.

                      Dire Wolf

                        It's so bad, casual morbid mask is the new norm.


                          If you're going to use the creep then yeah The regen aura is actually a lot. Compare to a vanguard, which gives 8 regen, HotD gives 10 in an aura.


                            im pretty sure the luna build is max beam with 2 points in lunar blessing then max glaives
                            u dont want glaives that early cuz ull push lane a lot


                              Unless you do want glaives that early because lane was easy, and you take tower, farm lane, then jungle stacks.


                                I buy it in lost cause games to bring down its winrate further to show people it's a bad item. Kappa
                                I'm joking don't lynch me, but seriously though it's in an ugly spot right now. Either buff it again or rework again.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Trash item


                                    domniatir is 10hp regen and aura its most op item in game

                                    is this a troll post?


                                      worth it if you're trying to have 12 different aura for quest


                                        Trash item


                                          No. With everyone and their mother buying Midas these days, dominated creeps don't last long.


                                            i won games where we had trouble going high ground, but I got a hel of dominator and took the carty and won off it.


                                              A very detailed theory for why HotD could be good on Clinkz:

                                              Clinkz's Death Pact is his most important ability. It gives you 7/8/9% dmg and 50/70/90% hp of the devoured creep's current hp. It has a 85sec cd and 65 sec duration- 20 sec of downtime. After the recent change in the duration and cd HotD has become a very good item on Clinkz. Before Death Pact had a very short duration and it was not possible to eat a HotD creep all the time. HotD has a cd of 60 sec. Death Pact is no longer a farming spell like it used to be. It is more of a timing spell with a better window to utilize the buff- albeit with a downtime.

                                              Here are the creeps which can be used for Death Pact in order of their max hp:
                                              HotD dominated creep: 1500
                                              Mega creeps melee: 1270
                                              Centaur Conqueror: 1100 (Large/Medium camp)
                                              Dark Troll Summoner, Satyr Tormenter: 1100 (Large camp)
                                              Mega creeps ranged: 1015
                                              Hellbear Smasher, Wildwing Ripper: 950 (Large camp)
                                              Ogre Bruiser: 850 (Medium camp)
                                              Mud Golem: 800 (Medium camp)
                                              Siege creep: 825
                                              Hellbear: 700 (Large camp)
                                              Super melee creep: 700 (Lane of Barracks down)
                                              Alpha Wolf: 600 (Medium camp)
                                              Ogre Frostmage : 600 (Medium camp)
                                              Satyr Mindstealer: 600 (Large/Medium camp)
                                              Normal melee creep: 550
                                              Harpy Stormcrafter: 550 (Small camp)
                                              --- Acceptable lower limit to Death Pact at ANY stage ---
                                              Hill Troll: 500 (Large camp)
                                              Hill Troll Berserker: 500 (Small camp)
                                              Giant Wolf: 500 (Medium camp)
                                              Ghost: 500 (Small camp)
                                              Super ranged creep: 475
                                              Fell spirit: 400 (Small camp)
                                              Harpy Scout: 400 (Small camp)
                                              Kobold Foreman: 400 (Small camp)
                                              Vhoul Assasin: 370 (Small camp)
                                              Kobold Soldier: 325 (Small camp)
                                              Wildwing: 350 (Large camp)
                                              Centaur Courser: 350 (Large/Medium camp)
                                              Satyr Banisher: 300 (Large/Medium camp)
                                              Normal ranged creep: 300
                                              Skeleton warrior: 250 (Large camp)
                                              Kobold: 240 (Small camp)
                                              Shard Golem: 240 (Medium camp)

                                              You should always be able to eat at least 550 hp creep (melee lane creep). Anything below that is unacceptable. You want to eat the highest hp creep to get most out of your ult. That means avoid small camps, ranged creeps, medium camps (except for Ogre and Centaur camps) and the smaller creeps in large camps.

                                              So in best case scenario without HotD (Excluding melee mega creeps which give 114.3 dmg and 1143 hp) on Clinkz you get 99 dmg and 990 hp with lvl3 ult.
                                              for this you have to wander in the jungle looking for the large camp, hope you get lucky and get one of the 3 higher hp camps (60% percent chance and additional travel time).

                                              And with HotD you get 135 dmg and 1350 hp EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL - you can even dominate low hp creeps and they still have the full 1500 hp.
                                              +36 dmg and +360 hp against the best case non HotD scenario. Also +10hp regen/sec aura, +10 AS aura, +10 AS, +2 all stats (LUL). Removes the restriction on your movement and gives you the freedom to use your Death Pact properly. You can even put it in backpack- doesn't have to take up an item slot (Need to manage when to put it in backpack- twice the cd).
                                              All for just 2025 gold. Best case scenario someone else from your team makes it- only possible in well co-ordinated games.

                                              How is this item not core on Clinkz? I'd like arguments please. Cookie-senpai?

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                ^ 1 question: why didnt pro buys it

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Because an early Solar crest would do better
                                                  A Clinkz doesn't get hit early game, you just strafe, negative armor and take away 25% of target's HP each arrow, 4 hits or so and pop a kill no damage taken at all


                                                    @fx I have the same doubt. Maybe because Clinkz is not that popular right now in the pro meta? And nobody is looking at him seriously? At the time of writing this Clinkz is the highest winrate carry at 55.86% in 5k+ bracket - 2nd overall only to Visage(Mainly played as a support) at 56.32%.


                                                      ^^ there u go

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        Solar/medal is better bkb is better diffusal is better


                                                          @Into The Window of Soul
                                                          I build Solar Crest and then go for the HotD usually. Mind you, I don't follow the same build every game. it depends on the situation. If I feel like we are snowballing hard I skip the HotD. But, the powerspike of HotD is insane. 135 dmg and 1350 hp with 76.5% overall uptime is no joke. If I feel like it is going to be a contested game I always tend to go for the HotD. I've really warmed up to this item on Clinkz and I try to build my items around the HotD. I'm even trying to search for better overall items that go well with it. You can check my recent Clinkz games. I'm by no means a great player though.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            because if u go fast deso or solar u can kill people, by that time there isnt a timing for hotd, he needs things like bkb and shit more.


                                                              @fx diffu is useful for the active in case of ghost scepter and euls but in terms of dmg/gold ratio HotD beats it on Clinkz.

                                                              Diffu gives 25/35 agi +50 mana burn*0.8(40) = 65/75 dmg for 3150/3850 gold
                                                              HotD gives an additional 36 dmg and 360 hp against the best case non HotD Death Pact (135 dmg and 1350 hp overall) for 2025 gold.

                                                              That is a minimum of additional 360 hp(=18 strength) that you cannot get from diffusal. While HotD gives you less dmg on Clinkz it makes you a lot harder to kill. And at the time of purchase you can very well be the tankiest hero on the map doing insane amounts of dmg at the same time. Mind that HotD scales with each lvl of Death Pact so its a scaling item also.

                                                              Assuming you get it while you are at lower lvls of your Death Pact, it gives you these stats from eating the dominated creep:
                                                              at lvl 1: +75 dmg +750 hp
                                                              at lvl 2: +105 dmg +1050 hp
                                                              at lvl 3: +135 dmg +1350 hp


                                                                I feel like we need to change the way we look at HotD on Clinkz. All I want to say is that HotD on Clinkz is one of the top tier items you can get- NOT that it is a must have item on him. On top of that Clinkz himself is not a hero that can work in every game.

                                                                But, HotD can make him a better hero overall- making him viable in many more situations. It gives him 2 of the 3 things he needs- dmg and survivability(mana regen being the 3rd) at a relatively low cost. And improves the quality of life drastically.

                                                                The situations in which I feel like HotD is not good on Clinkz:
                                                                1. I'm starved for mana or need the Orchid
                                                                2. need additional escape in the form of a force staff or pike

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  If I get feedback from some really high MMR players like Cookie-senpai(I don't know many other high MMR regulars here), it'd be very welcome. It'd be helpful if you guys can test it in your bracket and let us know the results in terms of what playstyle works well with this build and what situations it is feasible in. At my MMR(3.4k atm) this build brings stability to Clinkz and as I said gives him most of what he needs. I am doing well with this item on Clinkz and there are hardly any games when I regret this purchase. I want to know if this build would work at higher lvls.

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                                                                  Keyser Soze

                                                                    HotD is super fine for clinkz, despite it gives huge amount of dmg and hp, the dmg is also considered as base dmg which means it gets amplified by auras from venge, vlads, alpha wolf (if you dominate creep properly you can use ult and then take control of wolf) and double damage. Having 600 dmg on clinkz withing 20minutes into game feels good ;)


                                                                      @OP : Yes get it on viper