General Discussion

General DiscussionCan dota 2 run in A laptop with 3gb ram only not for playing purpos...

Can dota 2 run in A laptop with 3gb ram only not for playing purposes tho in General Discussion

    and how many gb shall I download (for me to run this game If It will work on a 3 GB ram ) PLEASE REPLY IMMEDIATELY

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      The game is... around 10 GB to download I guess? Yeah if you set the texture and everything low, you can play it
      I have 4 GB RAM running the game with 50-60 fps :/


        pretty sure it doesn't depend on just ram.


          3gb fine with 50-60 fps too...just set every thing to low and there are some console commands that lower the quality even more but who fucking cares dude i just want to play the game

          chicken spook,,,,

            Lol I play with 2 gb of RAM ever since my other pair of RAM died
            It's still smooth although the loading and stutters at the beginning of the first game can be quite annoying


              If you can't afford a good pc please quit dota2 can't stand many pignoy dc just for me to farm fountain and others kill steal me


                Whats this retarded shit? RAM has minimal impact unless you have too low of it. The performance depends mainly on your CPU and your GPU. In dota's case its mainly a CPU game.


                  OK thanks guys And by the way I wont use it for gaming because I go to cafes when I play and do not please judge an entire race by mistake of others I'm a pinoy too


                    yo seem new here...if someone stole diox's car and he lives in russia or someshit...he will accuse pinoys....hes either the worlds greatest troll or the worlds greatest retard..hes the best of the community


                      It depends on your GPU.


                        Dota 2 needs atleast 1GB ram to run
                        Fps doesn't depend on ram, I guess.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          depends greatly on CPU/GPU, 3GB RAM should be enough provided you run something like windows 7.

                          If you can't afford a good pc please quit dota2 can't stand many pignoy dc just for me to farm fountain and others kill steal me

                          Coming from guy who plays dota 2 on 736P, All minimum settings, 15-22FPS.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            I am not poor like you. Stop


                              afaik dota is more cpu heavy game

                              basement :)

                                No-one here plays on a 144hz monitor? Tsk tsk.


                                  yes if u play on windows xp
                                  otherwise you might be in trouble, probably win 7 might be fine too