General Discussion

General DiscussionUnique Attack Modifiers

Unique Attack Modifiers in General Discussion

    So in the last few patches, Icefrog has been removing most of the remaining UAMs so that only 5 remain: AM's Mana Break, OD's Arcane Orb, MOM lifesteal, Morbid Mask Lifesteal and Satanic Lifesteal.

    There doesn't seem a real reason to keep the remaining ones. You could always just make a rule that multiple sources of lifesteal don't stack (the same way manaburn from multiple diffusals and from mana break do not stack). I don't think OD being able to buy lifesteal will have any impact on the game at all. The only one that might be impactful is AM being able to get lifesteal.

    Do you guys think it would make AM too strong if he was able to buy Lifesteal other than vlads? It would mean that he could buy a casual morbid mask and not need to get vlads at all, and him being able to buy Satanic late game might be game winning in some cases. I don't know if this will push him to OP territory though.


      Am will be op if he gets to buy satanic


        but he can buy satanic


          x D



            Pale Mannie

              OD would be balanced too if his orb is no UAM while using satanic


                They've slowly chipped away at UAMs, its a matter of time until OD and AM's skill will no longer be UAM as well, then it sill be renamed lifesteal modifier or something like that. And I don't think it will be OP to take out UAM restriction on AM. OD might be.
                But let's face it, not a lot of heroes still get lifesteal. Small resurgence because of MoM, but the recent trend has been to get your survivability and sustain elsewhere.


                  just wanted to add: OD's orb can lifesteal with octo-core; so from the mechanical pov its like even IF orb is no UAM anymore he will not lifesteal the added dmg (just physical dmg will convert into lifesteal)


                    Pretty sure AM having UAM at this point wouldn't be a big change, maybe 6th slot satanic would be OK but I think most games you want other stuff tbh. Deso is basically useless for AM, old mom would have been really good I think but now it silences so not worth.


                      @mason fanboy.. i think in a game where u are getting fked u could get deso coz its cheap and provides both pushing and fighting capabilities


                        ^ the answer for that would be not picking am afaik


                          ya... like u can predict the games u will get stomped in ....


                            Like Hermann is saying, don't pick AM if you are going to push and fight.

                            AM is balanced right now. Just situational. Weaker laner.


                              You're insane! Haha! AM would be madly overpowered.
                              Think about it :

                              - He could lifesteal from the damage dealt by Manabreak

                              - You can build MoM for faster farming speeds ; sustain ; can be split for Butterfly & Satanic late game. You can also profit from the attack speed and get an early Basher/Abyssal before Manta.

                              - Satanic late game is far too problematic, you can't kill a late game AM if you don't burst him during flashes of control.
                              It's already hard as it is now - if he can regain all of his health in 1-2 seconds between lockdown it's impossible.

                              As for OD just get an Octarine and you have far better lifesteal than with a Satanic (without activation).


                                Pls no


                                  After what Rmblebeey said, pls make Satanic stack with AM , would bring the hero back again ;)


                                    lmao MoM am is trash, u silence urself then just die gj

                                    Act II Enjoyer

                                      The lifesteal from mana break with active Satanic amounts to a whole ~76 hp per hit before reductions, compared to a potential ~400ish (I'm not going to bother calculationg the damage with five slots + satanic) without it; It's a negligible bonus. With Satanic killing Am would be like trying to kill Qop when she's level 25. Getting silenced for 8 seconds as AM is fucking horrible — you can't force towes for as long, and I'm fairly certain that the added attack speed doesn't compensate for that, and you are forced to walk around in a fight, which likely means that you can burst down one hero with blink + mana void, and then walk around like a retard with MoM enabled without hitting much if anything. Also Am is quite starved for slots, so the opportunity cost of satanic is far too high.

                                      But then again, I don't play AM.

                                      OD doesn't really benefit from any item that currently doesn't stack with his Orb. Deso is useless, since you're largely relying on orb damage and the physical portion of your right-clicks is comparatively weak; for the same reason, Satanic is not very good. MoM is complete shit because you can't use orb while silenced.

                                      So yeah, I don't feel like there's a real reason to keep those two in the game.


                                        MOM would actually slow down AM's farm speed. He farms super fast because he can blink between camps, silencing himself with MOM would take away that advantage.

                                        Yeah I know OD being able to buy lifesteal will have no impact on the game at all.

                                        AM with Satanic seems to be getting mixed opinions. I guess the only way to really see if its good or not would be to wait for Icefrog to allow it. I'm guessing Satanic would then replace Heart in AM's itembuild? And you would get the casual morbid mask instead of Vlads early on then?