General Discussion

General DiscussionOrb of Venom for Harass?

Orb of Venom for Harass? in General Discussion
Story Time

    Hey guys,

    Here is an item - orb of venom. It deals 15 damage over 3 seconds. So why not pick it for harassing when you are mid or you are support? What do you think? Yes or no and when?

    PS I hardly purchase this item and only on PA and Riki, but 15 damage seems not so bad when spammed versus offlaner or mid.


      I buy it too on ogre, earth spirit, and sb,i think this item is more suited for melee roamers

      Potato Marshal

        It's so underwhelming on ranged heroes. If you're ranged, you're better off getting faster boots so you can attack move better. Even being able to get one or two more right clicks in will do more damage than 15 poison damage that doesn't even stack.


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