General Discussion

General Discussionhave i been living under a rock this whole time

have i been living under a rock this whole time in General Discussion

    I just recently discovered that there is an option to strictly only match against other solo queue players in a ranked game thus preventing me from having two teammates trolling the entire team. wtf when did they added that???


      same patch where u had to set ur phone number


        thanks! i never noticed that until now


          I'll tell you something, i think that strict solo ranked queue is worse BECAUSE most of the time, there is no teamwork over there

          While when you get matched with a 2-stack party, most likely those 2 people would have synergy.

          Thats what i experienced from that type of queue, i only played 15 games and had 33% win rate over there.


            Its high risk high reward
            If they have good synergy then nice
            But people tend to look on the bad side anyway (2 retard trolling and say "this is my party mmr anyway")

            Story Time

              hey enemy will have synergy too :D and most commonly better than yours (murphy's law)


                from my experience strict solo ranked has much more cancerous players. 10 independent players...1 is bound to ruin the game


                  I actually never tried it too....I got carried alot of times before with a safelane jugg+maiden....I once had two guys playing support and they just ran around destroying everything so its actually pretty cool to have two competent players communicating on your team


                    Of course the enemy party would have synergy too, but it would be much better than 10 solo players literally PLAYING solo?

                    Story Time

                      ^this is just SEA experience talking. "literally PLAYING solo" does not happen that often in stricttly solo games exactly because they wanna win

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Strict solo games are much consistent. Parties can have gaps in MMR, the game won't be as standard, it's usually a one-sided game.


                          Well my comments are just my opinion when i tried to play in strict solo queue for a day. I usually play for 10 hours each day.