General Discussion

General Discussion1k-3k-4k

1k-3k-4k in General Discussion

    For those that think their is skill change they are wrong. No, I'm not pro at this game.

    I made it to 3.7k

    Now I go 13w 27 loss in my last 40. I'm just frustrated. Simple group 5 would win a majority of the games at this level. Or even rotations.

    Their are more competent players in 2k level than I've seen on the last week. Their is my rant. Hope everyone else's games are green!

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      @_@ What are you talking about? 3.7k is VHS so yeah @_@


        Hmmm...there is a skill difference between 2k &3k&4k....I dont know what u rtalking about... I was literally 10 times worse 400 mmr ago so it doesnt nake sense saying 2k=3k since 2k=/=2.4k....u only lost a few ganes man just chill andplay your heroes and stop running around the hero pool trying to do everything cuz there isnt a pro player that does I doubt you can

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          2ks are food for me btw


            Anime profile pic weebs are food for me btw


              just get gud like me?
              even im not playing this game since 2k14 and im still gud at this game, and how are you today new people ?
              if you think this game sucks and people is dumb , u just need to mute and pick what role u can play it better than other player on your game , you dont want to be support even your team already got 4 cores? it's okay who care about 4 doggy on our team right ? just pick some poss 4 so u can support your self and carry the game by urself . don't need to think about skill bracket or else . just play and show em your good enough and let them use his freakin brain to understand the game , this game is about how u playing it and having fun .
              just change that mindset , and be a better player .
              thanks for me later


                12 wins in my last 40. Just struggling these games seem so easy....

                I play a lot of different heros because I try to get my team the full roles.


                  Man I totally understand u... when I first calibrated I also wanted to fill any role missing from my team and try to be the best drafter in the world....but no...I dropped 300 mmr just doing that...but then I learnt that forcing ur team to play around you can sometimes be the right thing...especially if you are very good at that hero...every high mmr player on this forum spammed a hero for mmr at one point or NEED to spam your best hero to get mmr...there is nothing wrong with first picking him....and I see your best hero is riki which can fill many roles and do alot of its ok to spam riki and first pick him


                    12 wins 30 losses now in last 42. down 10 in a row.

                    Guess ill spam then

                    However in my defense, filling those roles is what helped me get to 3.7

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Maybe you are just playing poorly


                        What the heck dude, im 4k now and i literally stomp 3k using any role and any hero WHICH i couldnt do before


                          learn a set of niche heroes like brewmaster, batrider. You can cause so much chaos, when there are players who have never even seen them before.

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            Your performance as carry is really poorly compared when you play as support, no farm, bad itemization, too many deaths..


                              Just check my profile and make that claim again. I can't lose a game under 3k5.
                              There's a huge skill difference and I'm hardly 5k on most played account.