General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam tp effect

Team tp effect in General Discussion

    I have np selected but the icon doesn't show up when I tp. Anyone else experiencing this?


      u need to have silver/gold cards for those stuff, i have liquid too and only the icon in profile/chat.


        Full gold = Team Icon above your hero when you are TP'ing (Like Pro players in official matches)
        Full silver = Team Icon with white lighting effect BELOW your hero when u finished TP'ing
        Full Blue = Team Icon without white lighting effect BELOW your hero when u finished TP'ing


          No Ads No Ads No Ads No Ads No Ads


            me too. no symbol at tp. i have OG all in silver and four in gold but no symbol.


              O feelsbadman gonna have grind that dust


                Full gold = Team Icon above your hero when you are TP'ing (Like Pro players in official matches)
                Full silver = Team Icon with white lighting effect BELOW your hero when u finished TP'ing
                Full Blue = Team Icon without white lighting effect BELOW your hero when u finished TP'ing

                that was just a reddit suggestion wasnt it


                  Seems like there's an issue with some team's TP effects. Following error is seen in console:

                  [ResourceSystem] Error loading resource file "particles/econ/events/ti7/ti7_teleport_teams/teleport_team_flair_team39_lvl0.vpcf_c" (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)

                  Message not present when TP effect works.

                  Full blue cards does give you a TP effect, its on the ground after you finish TPing and lasts about 3 seconds. If the team's effect is not working, it shows up as a flurry of small red X's.