General Discussion

General Discussionjust wondering how i lose this game

just wondering how i lose this game in General Discussion

    playing bounty supp only 1 death gank from miinute 2
    idk why i lose the game and wondering if i do something uncorrectly ?
    does dagon build is better in this situation? when war i just debuff people with solar crest(which i sold because im tilted)
    how do you play bounty hunter in ns skill game ? killing everyone with dagon or become ward slave and aura carrier?


      You went into the late game. Nuff said


        With your team, take early fights and push really really hard. There's not much they can do vs your CK. Should've taken early fights, and push hard.


          Were you just running around whole game?
          Seems like you did nothing but track people and press mek.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            Seems like you did nothing but track people and press mek.

            thats what support bountyhunters do

            chicken spook,,,,

              Do something with the gold u get from tracks


                7.4k dmg? Pus.y play. No im not pro to teach u better but u cant play like pus.y. U have crit that can be useful.


                  Get used to it, getting a kda like that is pretty common as a position 4, you are good at positioning thats why you dont die that much, in less than 5k mmr, supports always have better kda ratio than cores