General Discussion

General Discussionhow are u supposed to play am / slark against axe

how are u supposed to play am / slark against axe in General Discussion

    its a pretty horrific experience i think


      get silver edge

      BSJ. LGD

        you get satanic

        BSJ. LGD

          actually you get evasion for blademails. so get butterfly

          chicken spook,,,,

            Trading hits properly
            Item build
            Abuse opportunities
            You're 5k anyway I'm sure you don't want some long ass blabbers from a 3.8k retard

            chicken spook,,,,

              Vlads is good on AM against axe


                *2k retard

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Bws without farm is still a 1.2k player


                    Srsly guys noone here understood the question .....I think he is talking about Laning phase as all melee carries struggle against him. So he is not looking for items but lane control.
                    Now how to trade last hit creep agro. Counter helix works well when lot of creeps are hiting him ..... You pull his lane away from him that way u will get less harass . And your support can also zone him out if played properly .

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      as am u just burn him when there are no allied creeps around so he cant q
                      as slark u rush silver edge after power treads skipping echo


                        ^ this