General Discussion

General Discussionlatest update

latest update in General Discussion
rain markcawat

    am I the only one queing for 15min and still not getting game after the update ?

    mr. rabbit

      ur the only one cuz everyone is 3k below

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        it is not only you, dota's API is down right now


          yeah dota's API is down

          chicken spook,,,,

            Quit dota play osu


              30 min find match lel


                cannot login to game coordinator


                  Dota broke. Time to quit

                  rain markcawat

                    im doen


                      Why wont my MMR update and the games that i recently won wont appear either here and on dota 2????

                      Fee Too Pee

                        just when i want to play . i am done

                        Giff me Wingman

                          45min queue, gave up on queue, then got on this acc to play some int ranked with salty 4ks.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Valve's Dota 2 API is currently unavailable. Results from your new matches will appear once it returns.

                            rain markcawat

                              30min que per game is retarded actually

                              rain markcawat

                                finally found it bois

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  at least whew


                                    Gratz Ywn.
                                    Dude can I watch some of your games man?


                                      om fg is this fake dog -*hit ywn. Nvm Nvm...

                                      rain markcawat


                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          rofl ywn got 2k account 3 days ago LuL