General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat exactly am I doing wrong?

What exactly am I doing wrong? in General Discussion

    I am stuck at 2k mmr since ranked came out. I don't seem to be improving at all. What am I doing wrong and what should I be doing instead? Thanks in advance.


      You only played 61 ranked games.
      You need to play more games over all
      What youtube videos Purge, Goodboy guides etc, they do videos that are aimed at helping low skill players.

      One thing I do notice just by looking at your kda is you die alot which tells me you have no map awareness and don't position well in fights. But tbh you need to improve on every aspect of the game.

      Also you got a 43% win rate but 52% in ranked so you're improving.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        You havent tried smurfing yet?


          The thing about youtube videos is that their teammates play in a certain way in which my teammates certainly don't.
          I have hovered around the 50% winrated in ranked since I started playing it so.. I am not sure whether that says anything :(


            Dont watch goodboy guides

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              @(TIBDP) sad king yeah probably right lol.


                Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                  @Miar you can't change who you que with But you can change what you do and trust me your doing a million things wrong so work on what you can change.
                  Play more games and watch what better players do.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Lol Cookie :P
                    Will do HappyDonut :) But .. HappyDonut aern't you a spoof id?

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                      Yeah I play with RL mates who are new to dota or other smurfs on this account

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                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Win more ranked games than you lose :)

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          On a serious note tho, I am sure nobody here is willing to watch your replays and point out your mistakes, just think and work your ass off, there's plenty of ways to get good and camping in dotabuff waiting for a magical answer that gives you instant mmr boost is not one of them


                            Use brain


                              Have you tried watching bsj and doing the cookie challenge?


                                you need to ignore all of your teammate except for who want to play as team. if you keep blame your team just bcz theyre feed, then im sure 100% you will lose the game. oh and keep this quote "have you tried destroying enemy ancient?" this quote are from cookie


                                  Read cookie guide for ez MMR


                                    Purge's show where he coaches Day9 is good if you want to learn and if you have the time.


                                      Mute allies. Focus on ur own game, punish enemies mistakes. Go for objectives. Goal is to win not have the best kda. So focus on objectives that can give u the win


                                        Thanks guys. Also just saw your post Abyss Watcher. No I havn't because I am pretty sure that is not the way to improve.


                                          @Miar, not really, you'll just practice in there and try various builds to apply to 2k game.

                                          Ian Lim

                                            Youtube videos imo only helps to a certain extent. You have to just play more and get a feel of how the game flows. (when to push/farm/rosh/back etc.) I honestly think that watching replays at your current mmr isn't really gonna help much as grasping the fundamentals are much more important.


                                              5015 mmr hipsters giving advice on dotabuff


                                              Ian Lim
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                                                Ian Lim

                                                  its something small that i can hopefully contribute so i dont get what your problem is when u come here and add unnecessary bullshit without attempting to help while putting down others because you're a colossal 400 mmr higher.


                                                    it's fine, I just find it funny. I used to be like that too.
                                                    Just got your bluestar? Hey, you can show these plebs how it's done!

                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                      make way for 5400 overlord

                                                      Yung Beethoven

                                                        cuz having 400 MMR more than someone else puts you in such a better skill bracket, am i right? People and their "large online penises" have mostly private insecurities they try to hide.

                                                        @Miar: as already said: play more dota. Most of the dota skills are learned by playing the game. There is (unforunatly) no shortcut.

                                                        But here are my 2 cents on how you can improve in dota:
                                                        1. Dont flame, writing or talking in your mic distracts you and possibly will kill you while your doing it.
                                                        2. Try to be calm. Proplayers dont get angry (most of the time) since its makes them play worse.
                                                        3. If you need something, if there is something that concerns you, if you think XY Item would be good. If you have any constructive ideas: TALK TO YOUR TEAM. Nobody wants an captain obvious who says AFTER the game: why didnt you go for Linkens/BKB/MKB etc.
                                                        4. In your pickphase: Think about what your team lacks: Does it lack stun? mobility? sustainability? Initiation? again TELL YOUR TEAM
                                                        5. Lower your Heropool: Pick a handful of Heroes which you are good at and play them. Especially in ranked you shouldnt tryout a new hero or play a hero which you dont feel confortable playing.
                                                        6. Dont forget Objectives: To win a game you need to destroy the enemy ancient ( woaw, such knowledge ), most of the time via getting the enemy raxes. It doesnt matter how often you killed the enemy. Raxes matter. always.
                                                        7. Stop diving!
                                                        8. Think about when your team should group up! Dota is a teamgame (obviously) and every team has certain times where they are the strongest. Do you have a lot of lategame potential (Spec, medusa etc.) then GO FOR THE LATEGAME. Understand, that you will probably loose the early game. If you have a lot of push, early fighters: your time to fight starts at the first "big" item of your core (Your mid getting veil, offlane getting dagger, safelane getting armlet etc.) which is most of the time around the 10 - 15 min.
                                                        9. Dont play dota when you are pissed.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          Well there actually is a huge difference between 5k avg and 5,5k avg games.
                                                          Anyways, I'm not here to praise myself but rather to shit on these 5000 MMR hipsters which just got a blue star and pretend like they know shit

                                                          Yung Beethoven

                                                            Since the one who asked is a normal skill player (which probably means he has 1-2k MMR) and Zen Wistaria got almost 3k MMR more than him i think he can easily say he "Knows shit" in comparison to miar.

                                                            So what do you accomplish by that? Should i shit on you cuz i got 100 MMR more than you? I dont think so.

                                                            Yung Beethoven

                                                              Dota would be such a better place if ppl would understand that other dota players are still normal people with feelings, opinions and dignity.
                                                              But that lacks most online players. what a shame


                                                                any <6.5k games are super bad so relax :^)

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                                                                Dead Game, Don't Care

                                                                  And people wonder why dota 2 is a cesspool of toxic players. They don't even know that they're toxic themselves.


                                                                    Raptures is high