General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you get matched with new players often?

Do you get matched with new players often? in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    I just had a game with 6 new accounts. It was complete cancer. Matchmaking needs to be fixed on this level.


      1) its an unraked game
      2) ur skill lvl is approximately average so basically the majority of players are playing on your level including new players -> higher chance to meet new accs in ur game

      Lahai Roi

        Dude you can't ironically claim that new players are playing on my level.


          there is no shame in playing at normal level
          eventually, its not called low, its normal


            Smurf que with smurf is that a problem?


              1k players wanting to smurf is 2k unranked. Not too much you can do about that

              chicken spook,,,,

                yes because 2k is very good and only few people can play on such level without having 1k+ games

                chicken spook,,,,

                  seriously tho it's a goddamn pub game what do you expect
                  if you want less randomness in your games just queue ranked


                    I have the same at 2.9k when i play normal MM allpick i get matched with 9 lvl 5 smurf players. thaty why i play random draft now


                      Your account is new

                      You deserve it


                        Well there's a simple
                        Solution. Play ranked

                        mr. rabbit

                          yeah i get matched with lv 20 players undergoing ranked calibration all the time

                          its so funny how they play, they just pick whatever the fuck they want without a care

                          thats why its so easy to beat the shit out of them, i rekt the idiots who play heroes that theyve never used while no one does the same to my idiots