General Discussion

General DiscussionWin this game for me

Win this game for me in General Discussion

    So, I got this game. Everything going smoothly. Aegis snatch, 0 min courier kill, push with Aegis and Cheese, 20k gold lead.
    But we still managed to lose without getting a single lane.

    I believe the main reason is that Necrophos proved to be of weak influence, while Invoker was balling out of control.
    With so many AoE initiation spells it was hard to position ourselves during a push, as well.

    Necro hesitated every time before casting his ult. I built Ethereal to maybe give him a little push, but he still wouldn't ult an enemy with 60-65% HP. He also asked for suggestions on what items should he build, and I couldn't come up with anything, though, I did talk him out of buying BKB and Agh's scepter.

    I have won 9 out of 10 games since I started playing more seriously. It just pisses me off that the only game I lost is a 20k gold throw that would probably be easily winnable if I had better suggestions for the team.



      The answer will be irrelevant for you,as you don't have any mechanical skill and knowledge to execute them





          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Bloodseeker was the only one that can melt towers

            You could have built carry BH with Deso so team can get towers faster :D Then Divine Rapier

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              eh why did u talk him out of buying bkb or aghs?

              stupid fuck 2000

                Talked him out of buying bkb against disruptor, invoker, shaker 4Head. Not to mention how well bkb works with his ghost form thing.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                Mlada i Luda

                  im prety sure jakced with find out , listen to him he will help you definetely

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Seem like my golden line has been spread into the world,well done!

                    Btw I would probably win that game as I always solo split push


                      ez, i won it

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        Core Necro w/o BKB is dogshit and autolose, since only a retard wouldn't get diffusal.
                        Ursa gets a diffusal, Necro has no BKB = you have -1 hero in teamfight. And he's your carry.
                        Nothing special, I would expect to lose such a game.|

                        I have no idea why you would talk Necro out of buying BKB , hence he's bound to die w/o his second spell against such a matchup.
                        Either Ethereal or BKB on Necro could've won the game to a certain extent.

                        Also, IMO, they just have a way better draft. Unless you initiate on them, you are bound to lose the fight, tbh. But again, you have no initiation whatsoever. Omni ain't gonna tank all that shit up, no way.

                        This was most likely lost simply due to how you can't do jack shit againt their ultimates, nor can you initiate on ES/Enigma preemptively.

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