General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere can I get high mmr replay with AM focused on teamfighting than ...

Where can I get high mmr replay with AM focused on teamfighting than farming and split pushing? in General Discussion

    I want to study on AM teamfighting pattern to reduce my amount of deaths in each AM game and my amount of deaths in AM game currently sit around 5-7 times which is bad in my opinion. Do you guys know where can I find high mmr match replay (not to be played with "high skill" bracket.) that feature AM more on teamfighting than farming and just split pushing? Because every high mmr replay I downloaded turn out to be either farm and push until T3 tower while playing hide and seek with the opposing team, nothing more. or AM team stomped enemy team so hard that the game is already won before AM could even get his BF. Which is not what I wanted from those replay.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Or you can learn how to play hide and seek like them? 🤔
      Also try cutnpaste replays

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Well playing AM is hide and seek. You force at least 2-3 of them to hunt you, since they should not be able to solokill you, or you force them to go as 5 and fight, while you run arround with 900 gpm still outfarming their entire team. If you want a replay of am teamfighting go check a sven replay and play sven. AM is not for teamfighting midgame, cause he sucks at it.

        deep name + dark anime pfp

          am is elusive hero, u can go in and out of teamfight. u should not bllink into the middle of fight and u can melt supports down easily as they will be in the backline, and if enemy core is alone u can go on them but u should try to be aware of where enemy supports are as they are the ones who lock u down in teamfights

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Here you go, a fresh game, not really high MMR (5.4k avg), myself on AM. 2 deaths were me being an idiot, 1 death was teammate failing to save me (Lina with Eul). Tight game.


            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Also you should always focus on ratting. Go to teamfight only when you can get important kills (cores, heroes without buyback, heroes holding gem/rapier) and to defend raxes.


                Thanks you for a match that could be useful for me to study on teamfighting as AM considering that I don't fight against a frail enemy support everytimes in 3k bracket like what some people say here.

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  But they do have a point... You should focus on taking down towers and raxes. If you are constantly pressuring buildings, enemies have to go to defend which results in space for your team to farm up or take a tower on other side of the map. Space given to you by your team is now returned by you. And AM creates insane amounts of space because a lone hero cannot defend versus AM, so you will usually force out multy hero rotations. Hide in trees, jump on raxes, find a lone hero and kill him with AB.


                    yes its useful to learn how to teamfight with am in those situations when u are forced to. but generally u want to avoid those. thats just how the hero works


                      You can find them in 1k gladiator arena mode, because AM isnt played that way.

                      Fee Too Pee

                        Why the fuck u get aghs before manta?

                        How u teamfight :

                        Last hit mana void only pre 20 minute

                        U get manta 20 minuteish : u fucking strong kill every single mf u see



                          in an insane assylum

                          only idiots try to seek answers that confirm to their beliefs

                          all role player
