General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen will pros figure out Bristleback is shit?

When will pros figure out Bristleback is shit? in General Discussion

    Why do pros just sometimes pick bad heroes over and over?
    44% wr in TI qualifiers (top 10 most contested hero)
    42% wr in open qualifiers (very most contested hero)
    43% wr in >5k mmr


      Sometimes pros play Statistically bad heroes but the teams that do win with him you can see bb get a triple kill begging of the game on 100 health. but for teams that can effectively deal with him or even just have a real good team fight against him or maybe draft legion commander then hey bb will lose.


        3k player criticizing pros' strategies. Okay.

        Ur Nightmare

          Dota is a Hard game, 1st is getting to know ur hero, when ur soo good,
          Then here comes the Draft, when u know u will lose the moment before the game started.
          and hope it will turn out well.
          and the moment that u know u gonna die, when ur health bar is still 100% full.


            1k player criticizing 3k player criticizing pros strategies. Okay.

            I can do that too

            disgusting weebs

              back when repsawen talents were still a thing and lina just got her last seires of buffs and was piocked every game she had like 35% winrate or something

                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                  Same with mk in the Kiev major, he had like a 38% winrate


                    I think its about the fact that a hero does his job better than others....regardless his wr...maybe those losses are because of other hero picks and he actually did his job.....


                      Sometimes Win-rate does not reflect how good a Hero is. Best Eample is IO. so 2-3 or three teams pick BB lose every game 0-5. but 1 team picks BB and wins with the hero 3-0 now the stats for BB are 3-5 thus making him hold barely a 30% win rate. But the BB player wins with him. Its liek Saying why would a player play on XX Pro team because they have a 44% win-rate.