General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath Mage

Skywrath Mage in General Discussion
Andre Kairalla

    I LOVE THE HERO but i'm clearly doing something wrong

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      He is shit atm. You should only pick if you really need a silence in your team.

      Potato Marshal

        Stop rushing aghs and getting items like octarine, eblade, and especially dagon. You need utility and survivability items but you're always building full damage after atos.


          Aghanim is overrated on this guy TBH.

          Maxxforce DT

            I absolutely love this hero. I Skill Q W Q E Q R Q then max the silence most of the time. I Do massive zoning and do starting items usually Courior Ward Windlace and some tangoes or stats depending on the offlaner. For example tide I don't need tangoes because he cant trade hits. Im too Fast. Then I go, Mana Boots Rod of Atos, Ghost Scepter, Aghs, Ethreal Blade. If im poor and broke I do Aghs into Either Forcestaff, Euls or Glimmer.


              I think Rod is atos is 10000% core on this hero and should be rushed always?

              Am i wrong with this?

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                ^I thought so too. But it's not compulsory and should only be gotten when you're ahead in the game
                A Force Staff or Glimmer functions much more


                  ^ yes that is true, esp if they have a elusive gap closer hero (PA or jug who just runs righ tat you

                  Andre Kairalla

                    I dont think the problem is the aghs, but yeah i make ethereal just for fun (I usually make ghost scepter anyway) haha i like the item on him. About the dagon, the game was lost, i was just messing around :P
                    What do you guys think of Sky mid? I usually like him as a core, but i usually lose because sky sucks at pushing lanes and towers. Should I try supp/roaming then?


                      Sky support is pretty good in normal skill bracket. You can easily harass the offlaner and let your carry farm quietly.

                      I'm just spamming him for fun and I have a 7 wins streak.

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        An amazing super impactful hero.

                        One of the best possible counters to Broodmother, for example, is a Drow+AA+Skymage trilane.

                        Just buy sentries and get easy kills then woops and you have Divine Rapier and Bloodstone min 25 and rampage on Skymage.

                        Mega MMR boost RTZ MIRACLE monster gaming.