General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr calibration

Mmr calibration in General Discussion

    Is it possible to pause ur mmr calibration halfway and go play normal matches to raise my hidden mmr back then continue mmr calibration with a higher hidden mmr?


      nope once started it only uses the ranked change in mmr, also why do you care?


        My first game average is 4.5k, but i dced and got an abandon. The next game my average dropped to 4.3...Wanted to calibrate the highest possible result so was curious if i can still salvage my mmr


          @cuki, i calibrated my solo mmr before 7.0, then after 7.0 i calibrated my party mmr and it took a huge leap from 4k average to 3.5,3.4 averagd


            it'll drop to 3.5 now no matter what you do


              I calibrating seasonal mmr btw


                it'll drop to 3.5 now no matter what you do

                aww sad, well there's still seasonal ranked..


                  Seasonal is 4.5k max iirc