General Discussion

General DiscussionLoL player started playing Dota. Looking for advices on how to get be...

LoL player started playing Dota. Looking for advices on how to get better in General Discussion
Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

    I'm Diamond was at some point Challenger.

    Literally 0 exp. in Dota 2, I calibrated at @ 200 MMR. I played bunch of Dota-Bots games. Now I'm slowly getting better. Any advices would be great!


      first of all you need learn all the heroes so when yu face the you know how to fight them, try play all random deathmatch mode, watch tons of videos how to be better in youtube for heroes you like or overall, i know im not that good player, but thats how i started, anyway welcome to dark side !:))

      mr. rabbit

        you cant be serious.

        if u were dia+ in league ur mechanics WILL carry over and you'd dumpster half of the 2k population just from that

        my advice is one-tricking is a lot more viable here than in league, simply because theres no autofill bullshit and laning is extremely flexible, so u can get away if u just first pick ur fav hero 90% of the time

        but ye u cant be serious xddd

        mr. rabbit

          also lane management is a lot more complicated in dota than in league but its also more important

          tho tbh u have to be more specific when asking for advice...


            Wtf is diamond class in league. Like Dota players would have any point of reference for that shit.


              Is diamond bad? Because 200 mmr isnfucking bad even a brand new Dota player who never played lol might not be 200


                i refuse to believe that diamond player would calibrate anywhere below 4k


                  So I can play LoL and calibrate 4k, cheating through the 3.5k limit?

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Read OP name and you will know what this thread about

                    mr. rabbit

                      diamond is high 4k-low 5k

                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                        The game is quite different from LoL, tbh. Shops are confusing, and what not. I did had a big break, like maybre a month, then came back to Dota. Any advices would be helpful :)


                          D3s7r0y 3n3my 4nc13n7


                            Dont. Skip. Tutorial

                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                              I did skip tutorial and both me and my friend calibrated together actually. He gave up shortly after. :) Will check tutorial!


                                prepare your mind for "having 5 cores" every game


                                  U telling me u can't win in 200 mmr when everyone just afks

                                  BSJ. LGD

                                    lmao nice meme


                                      Analyze high mmr replays, think about what's the logic behind every click
                                      Spam heroes, more constant variables will make noticing new things easier
                                      Practice, practice, practice, keep your mind open and critical, try to apply logic to your gameplay as much as you can


                                        what was your role back then in LoL , i played LoL for few months so i have decent understanding to the difference between the two games


                                          Ako na mid ty


                                            there's literally no way a challenger can get 200 mmr in dota2, you were probably bronze 500000

                                            200 mmr is basically like playing without fingers

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              just play the game thats the best way the thing about dota 2 is just 10 times harder then lol ( idk how exactly much harder but seriosly its just way too hard even for a challenger u still barely can reach 3k or 4k ) alot of things in dota what people are gonna tell u are ADVANCED u first should know the roles and heroes along then starting to learn about those things
                                              still be aweare of toxic people

                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                Idk, most of the games played on this account were played literally out of boredom, at some point me and my friend decided to play more and the ranked option unlocked.

                                                I got 200 MMR.. It's pretty tricky tho, because even tho this game looks simiular to Lol it's quite different.

                                                Maxxforce DT

                                                  200 MMR is that even possible? you should throw the next 10 games see if you can go negative MMR please. On a side note to improve Just pay attention to your minimap Pick carries at 200 MMR and last hit the crap out of creeps. Farm for 20 min. you will be 2k their lvl then push towers and win


                                                    just create another account, playing in that mmr bracket wont do you any good, 142 mmr, and YOU played dota games because of boredom, which might have directly affected your mmr, i think you deserve more than 200 mmr, you were a challenger in LoL, you could at least get 3k(3.5k is max though)


                                                      dont worry u will get ur mmr if u know how to play 200 mmr is a joke in dota evrything thats under 2k is a joke


                                                        Did you miss a zero and actually calibrated at 2000 mmr or something

                                                        cuz 200 mmr is like worse than bronze rank in LoL or something

                                                        basically get used to the game, learn the mechanics, dota 2 is different than LoL in many aspects such as backswing runes creep stacking, but honestly just play a lot of matches (preferabbly normal matches or god forbid-bot matches) with the hero you are most comfortable with and you will learn through time.

                                                        I'd suggest you to watch the Day9 Learns DOTA 2 series, though its a long series its definitely worth it if you have the time.

                                                        EDIT: Holy fuck you actually calibrated at 200 mmr. I suggest making a new account and try to climb with that, you are NOT going to have a good time in 200 mmr. I imagine you just fucked around during the calibration matches cuz you should have at least a good understanding of general MOBA mechanics if you really touched Challanger league at one point in LoL.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          everything thats under 5k is a joke in sea


                                                            everything thats under 10k is a joke in Dota 2


                                                              everything thats under 0k is a joke in dota 2


                                                                NVM u play support in bracket were carries cant even last hit just do the braindead coockie challenge its more then enough to get u to 1k and play more hard carry roles cuz tbh i tried to climb thro supporting it didnt help at all while climbing thro playing carry felt more easier to me still am stack at 1k tho :v


                                                                  also DONT JUST DONT FOLLOW THE DEFAULT ITEMS BUILD try to figure out the best skill / items build for every game most items are situationel other are core, core items cant be skipped most of the time take for example diffusel blade on PL or Shadow blade on slark, bkb / link in the other hand are both situationel hope u get out to higher brackets soon enough m8
                                                                  u can find builds on each hero page on dotabuff just click on more guides for each hero and you'll find what pros use forthey builds also it will help you learn more about counter picking
                                                                  welcome to dota you suck.


                                                                    also get quelling blade at start of the game on any melee carry you play, definitely helps with last hitting, then once you learn how to last hit, replace quelling blade with either pms or extra regen consumables, then get quelling blade at side shop

                                                                    Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

                                                                      if u were challenger in lol there is no way u could get 200 mmr, if u have 200 mmr it means that u are the bottom 0,5% of dota players(while challenger is the top 0,02% of lol players). and the lowest rank in lol (bronze 5) is the bottom 8% of players. so either u are lying about ur lol rank or u are just outright terrible


                                                                        "0 experience"
                                                                        (has 300+ dota games)

                                                                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                          Let's clear some things once and for all.

                                                                          I did had prior expiriance since I started playing Dota from january 2017. Backthen, I actually played with my friend, so we' mess around, try out things and so on.

                                                                          After that, I tried getting better at this game and so far Im having decent sucesess.

                                                                          Ty for tips guys, I'll play more to let u know what happened..


                                                                          I do buy qualing blade.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            last challenger i knew from league instantly calibrated into 4k.

                                                                            so if you really are one, then getting to 4k+ will be a joke for you

                                                                            considering that you came to this forum

                                                                            i'm just gonna warn you 9/10 advice given here, basically anything the low mmr players say, is god awful and should not be listened to.

                                                                            That being said, I am looking for a student, but someone with actual working brain cells.

                                                                            If you truly were a league challenger, I could teach you how to get to my rank in less than 2-3 months.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              @Cookie: Hey that mean! We are actually really good at copypasting random advice from random highter mmr without trying to understand them!

                                                                              @Fishy Fish: Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

                                                                              More seriouslly you can watch the first episode of this serie (you can also not watch it which is fine) :


                                                                                pick this Z hero, go these X items or level Y spell


                                                                                  Hmmmmmmmmm............ challenger on league but 400 mmr on DOTES hmmmmmmmmm................ :thinking:

                                                                                  Seems really impossible its not balance at all, if you are indeed a challenger on league then your mechanics should be much better than 3k's IDK kind of mysterious if you ask me.


                                                                                    Get a new account and recalibrate, you improve massively after you get the handle of it.


                                                                                      Check out game-leap. Promocode BSJ


                                                                                        pull at :53


                                                                                          Hence why dota is far superior than league

                                                                                          all role player

                                                                                            hmm. if u create new account can i have your account?
                                                                                            i want to try ranked in <1k


                                                                                              ^lmao they're very different games, you can't outright say that.
                                                                                              But seriously OP. 150 MMR, as a League Challenger. I don't buy it. My friend is 3K in dota, Diamond 1 in League, he started from LoL. Did turn rate and denying really mess you up that badly? 😂

                                                                                              all role player

                                                                                                ^i think he play dota for the lulz
                                                                                                after know some basic stuff and the different he will 4k


                                                                                                  I trade you this 4.6k solo, 5k party account for it.

                                                                                                  Message me on steam


                                                                                                    That goes for any 0k players

                                                                                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                                      @ Cookie

                                                                                                      This account was made under very funny circumstances. I assure you the way it was played here wasn't the way you'd expect.

                                                                                                      It was literally exporing the map, items, heroes, spells, afk-ing good portion of the time and lastly, I wasn't the only one playing on this account.

                                                                                                      I stoped with LoL in december 2015 for personal reasons, and I was challanger at some point, tho I was mostly diamond 4 and 5.

                                                                                                      Another thing to understand, I've wasted good portion on my life playing video-games and I'm not interested in dedicating my life to this game, I just think it's waste of time, honestly.

                                                                                                      But I'll be playing it from time to time and any advices would be welcome.

                                                                                                      From what I've managed to understand so far:

                                                                                                      - Owning your lane translates into winning a match most of the time
                                                                                                      - Buying items such as mask of madness, Sange with Yasha and Desolator helps snowballing
                                                                                                      - Slark or ShadowFiend seem to be really good for snowballing
                                                                                                      - Invoker seems to be hard for me, since I failed multiple times to win the game with it:


                                                                                                      What I fail to understand is:

                                                                                                      -Why are the players here so toxic?
                                                                                                      - How do I carry 1v5 with ANY hero, not just some heroes?
                                                                                                      - Is midas really good item and why?
                                                                                                      - What's the point of items such as wards/sentry wards if no one buys it?


                                                                                                        PLS WELCOME THOSE STUPID FUCKING LOL PLAYERS IN DOTA 2😂😂😂 YOU MADE THE RIGHT DECISION BOYS!! Welcome PUT TANK IN MALL 😂😂