General Discussion

General Discussionlegion commander offlane / jungle

legion commander offlane / jungle in General Discussion

    i have played LC as jungler most of the time and failed hard most of the games in the other hand i have tested in 2 games both as offlaner and i found out that she's so damm strong as offlaner she can simply wreck the lane and if they managed some how to counter u hard and push u out of the lane u can always use q to harras the enemy and secure few LH and to make it worst for them they cant even group up as this will result on them burning all their HP...
    my question here why people still play her at jungle specialy at lower mmr even tho she has good nuke + nice debuff / regen spell to help her win lanes and secure towers and early game advantage ?? and how good is she in the current meta and high mmr games ?


      Don't you ever LC JUNGLE just don't.


        @HBNN after my last 2 LC games ill most likely never take her jungle again LMAO the potentiel to win lane that she have cant just be wasted on jungle


          Jungle is from previous meta where jungling used to be good and people did not understand Legion Commander well. Back then, at 20 minute you would be looking at Legion Commander with Shadow Blade, Echo Sabre, Desolator/Blademail and about 60 duel damage. At this point, she does not even need to hit out of Shadow Blade to kill the opponent in duel.

          In the current state of the game, Legion Commander is likely going to be counter-picked every time she is not picked last. It does not really matter which lane she is in, though it is true that jungling is pathetic right now. The poor coordination in pub games really hinders her effectiveness.


            Those that still jungle LC probably didn't get anally raped by roamer yet and it's still satisfying in the present to see those jungler LC either feed so hard or 20 min in and still no duel damage.


              I still ban LC because the odds of getting one on my team who picks LC and hovers jungle is 10/10

              That said, jungle LC on enemy team doesnt need a counterpick. Just take their towers since you will be 4v5 for 8-9 mins before blink comes out. They probably have maxed w and E instead of a lane LC who should max q so you dont even have to worry about possibly the best nuke in the game

              Ive said before that LC is a great position 3.5 hero that people think is a goddamned 1. Play around me and give me all the farm


                why you play legion jungle? because you get more gold, than being in lane, and that is 100% even with nerfed jungle.


                  Jungling is dead. Any time someone jungles it's easy win for my team since it results in stomping all lanes.

                  GRANT MACDONALD

                    The extra gold you might get in the jungle doesnt make up for the fact that if you offlaned you could get similar gold and also screw over the enemy carry and support due to Q harass, threat of duel early and insane early base damage

                    That would of course involve laning which most LC players have no idea how to do


                      back then lc gets 5000 networth at 10 mins without kills in the jungle. This was about 500 more than a safe laner would get free farming no contest. So they would rather jungle than laning. However since the nerf to jungle they have to get bounty runes every 2 mins to get around the max 3400 networth at 10 mins. So you can see the difference is quite big.