General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering Weaver

Countering Weaver in General Discussion

    How exactly does one do this? I can't seem to harass him away in lane, and in fact harasses me better with Shukuchi and Germinate Attack. I can't lock him down enough to kill him before he presses R and Shukuchi. He moves too fast even with Dust on him, and runs out of Sentry Ward range. By the time I get anything like Orchid, Sheepstick, Euls, etc, he already has Linkens. He's been so annoying to the point that he is now my instaban.

    How do I do it?

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      Disruptor. Other nukers with vision (not sitting there with no wards that won't work).


        pick Axe.

        you know when he uses shukuchi early and its long CD he is basically a creep


          how about bs


            Ground targeting/AoE disable

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              Ma boi


                Didnt i hear that bulldog says np destroy weaver?


                  ^unless the weaver buys tangoes

                  Potato Marshal

                    Axe, silences, void, even techies.


                      With sentries u can harass him out of the lane


                        void is pretty good against weaver as well


                          sentries in laning stage is very impt


                            AoE silence spells; drow, dp
                            Track, dust
                            At least chain stun
                            bs, VOID

                            Zet Popcorn

                              Faceless Void - Chronosphere lasts long enough to run the duration out of shukuchi, and time dilation stops Weaver from casting shukuchi for a while.

                              Techies - Root prevents shukuchi/time lapse and Weaver is susceptible to mines early on.

                              Bloodseeker - Rupture damages a lot when Weaver is hasted with shukuchi, and deals damage even after time lapse moves Weaver. Also bloodrite silences. Bloodseeker also has a way of breaking linkens without rupture.

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                                techis is actually super good against weaver, too bad the hero is shit in every other aspect


                                  I'm not sure I should be scared of blood as weaver. But in theory bs fucks weaver

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Sentry wards
                                    Heaven helbards
                                    Solar crest
                                    Dust of appearance (force time lapse early)
                                    Long DoT damage (veno is lethal, it's also AOE so you aren't have to right click himself and poisoning nova is undispellable)

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                                      I played against a good BS as weaver once.
                                      It was a fucking nightmare


                                        weaver cant lane vs legion with pms. when he leaves the lane you follow him. many bad weavers will buy linkens first vs legion, get a halbert before blademail if you can focus on him and disregard his team.

                                        generally: aoe disable or silences paired with burst dmg, your team needs to focus him before he gets his ulti off
                                        in case of support - pick troll, buy medallion, max W, try to get your handy on a meka or a blademail

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                                          My fav counter to him is silencer ... global silence when he isnt in shukuchi and ur team is near to kill him.... I and my friend also had this horrific lane against heroes like weaver and other squishies.... its called "the press q win lane luna skywrath lane of hell"
                                          If hes offlane and you shut him down early he suffers badly so thats one way to counter him unlike other offlaners that can jungle.... so for supports skywrath/cm/disruptor
                                          For carries luna/necro/drow

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                                          Yung Beethoven

                                            As already mentioned: BS and Void are pretty good against weaver.

                                            Whats really important against weaver: Always be in a good position. Weaver ( just like storm ) can easily punish position mistakes, which often leads to supports feeding kills to an offlane weaver. Obviously weaver is pretty good in trading hits with his germinate attack and sukkuchi but he has a very low attack range. Unless you play a venge support you should be able to hit him and run away without him being able to attack you. And IF he is coming for you via sukkuchi, that is the moment to go on him.

                                            i hope that helps


                                              as much as i like skywrath, i would never pick a hero with zero base armor vs weaver who likes to start games with a blight stone.
                                              luna works well, i agree on that one. i would combo her with dazzle in that matchup.


                                                Sen3/Dust/Gem, Silences, Chain Stuns, also about that Skywrath thing when I was Spamming Skywrath in the past where there is Weaver I didn't had any problems, well in laning stage anyways.


                                                  Earth spirit counters this hero..


                                                    I used to hate weaver and slark, then I learned bs and lc, now they are my food

                                                    주 롄양



                                                        That's only because LC and BS became heroes again. Side note, how do u duel a linken weaver


                                                          who picks weaver now?

                                                          Player 368673122

                                                            kotl shuts him down to some extent all stages of the game, wave in lane takes chunks of her hp and can't be disjointed (positioning is your own accuracy)
                                                            later on when he gets some items, kotl should have a force to pop linkens, if not just gotta repetitively mana leak and hope it's been popped or within the 3 secs uptime before linkens refreshes with a followup blinding light - if leak is max it should leave him with 0 mana AND stunned for 3s (that's the window to burst if hes 18 and can time lapse when oom)

                                                            rod is a pretty legit item to build knowing weaver's mobility is gonna be a problem, good linkens popper also


                                                              @Jacked pop linkens with halberd.

                                                              Rogue Knight

                                                                BH, Slardar, Void or heroes who can wear him down with nukes, stuns or disables

                                                                Halbeard, Orchid or maybe Bloodthorn for good measure,Abyssal....


                                                                  Other than basic non-hero targetting stun and BS, I find Death prophet really hard to fight as weaver. Her silence is devastating for hero that largely relies on spell ( because it's an area silence), and have nuke, plus linken breaker.


                                                                    I play a lot of weaver. Bloodseeker is a very good counter, slardar is super annoying, and long silences and disables fuck this hero. Weaver also hates playing against extremely tanky cores and lots of aoe damage. Things like bristle and wraith king i've found to be really annoying. Disruptor isn't that great, he's good if you get the jump on weaver but otherwise he dies in three hits at thirty minutes. Weaver also has no good tool to deal with illusions so it's super hard to kill a pl and mana burn screws weaver over.


                                                                      ^ weaver sometimes build radi and mjo...

                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                        stuns and physical damage


                                                                          i built mjolner against the pl. when he has 3k hp it honestly doesnt do that much, and ayone that builds radiance on weaver is an idiot.


                                                                            i will show u how to deal with bug on lane
                                                                            this hero can get very strong in early to mid but later he just acts like a rat but hes damage is quite low so dealing with him sholdunt be a big problem
                                                                            still even if silences or those stuff counters him u need to nuke him nukes is the best thing against this guy because it will kill him very fast but u might be thinking ulty but u sholdunt realy worry about that
                                                                            silences comes in second only because of linker weavers loves to build linker with will make ur time harder to land silence on him

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                                                                              "damage is quite low"
                                                                              at what stage of the game does weaver deal low damage


                                                                                This is my tips for dealing with solo offlane weaver as a support.
                                                                                Weaver is the weakest in the first few levels of the game, when 1. the shukuchi cd is very long such that weaver can't stay around for long 2. His low hp, low movespeed, low armour and crappy BAT makes him bad at trading. Get sentries at lvl 1 and plant it in the lane and start harrassing him (works best if ur a ranged support with a disable, or a tanky melee support with a sustain or a disable). Good weaver players would try to shukuchi and hide within trees to wait for the cd, so hunt for the weavers within the trees or clear trees to prevent him from hiding. Basically, your job is to make weaver's life as miserable as possible from lvl 1 so that he cant get more lvls to start becoming a nuisance.
                                                                                If there are 2 supports in the lane there's almost no chance for the weaver to lane properly as long as you keep him away from the creeps (and don't push the wave towards his tower) and keep the sentries up. You HAVE to do it when the moment weaver appears in lane at lvl 1, because when weaver gets lvl 2 he can trade very well with you if you were a ranged support (like cm) with swarm.
                                                                                If you are the solo support of the lane, your carry need to help you with the harrass as well. When weaver starts to trade with you, your carry needs to position well to always threaten the weaver. Works best if your carry has some killing potential early on as well, such as one with a stun or slow. If your carry is some passive farmer like spectre or medusa, then be prepared for the weaver to get decent exp and farm in the lane. In that case play defensive until your team mate can gank, and just don't die and prepare for the mid game.
                                                                                Into the mid game, always sentry the areas you expect to fight, because weaver would always try to pick off the supports. Don't try to dust unless there's another member of ur team who carries dust as well, because 1. weaver still moves at max speed when dusted with shukuchi, so dust barely makes any difference from wards, and wards last longer 2. weaver can always ulti/manta to purge off the dust and then ur dust is wasted, which is why if you really want to dust get dust on 2 diff heroes. Also at this stage, weaver doesnt have enough items to deal large instances of damage, so heroes that do well against him are heroes who can outburst him, or heroes who can outsustain him. Weaver is good against heroes who lack strong disables, or who can be kited. If your team is made up of those heroes, then try to kill the rest of his team before dealing with him, instead of wasting time trying to kill him and get kited around.
                                                                                Item choice wise, glimmer cape is very good as a defence against weaver, as the swarm bugs drop off immediately when you turn invisible, as compared with trying to destroy it manually as a support with lousy attack speed. Medallion/solar crest is good to offset his physical damage and armour reduction from the bugs.

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                                                                                  Need to counter elusive heroes? Pick drow ranger, 6 seconds silence really is balanced/good


                                                                                    i played weaver with my friends and reached out to 5.5k mmr with it but you can counter weaver easily. for example if weaver coming aggro trilane , dont pick cores which can be smashed so easily at early game and have no ability to run out- like spectre,sniper and drow ranger etc cause weaver's Q is pretty good reducing armors and giving visions. the only way you stop him , having a good supports for early game like jakiro, disruptor. weaver is one of the heroes which can be snowball so easily or do split push very good.
                                                                                    IMPORTANT: Stick with your teammates and go as 5 to anywhere , while ur carries jungling try to sentry and ward at the entrance of your jungle.
                                                                                    BTW weaver is not that kinda op hero while there is antimage, i think u should ask how to stop farmed antimage from split pushing, idk.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      When I play weaver by far the worst hero to play against is axe because weaver deals a lot of damage but usually not a lot of hp so blade mail screws him, and you can't linkens call. LC and BS are second worse, bs rupture isn't going to kill you cus you can tp out, but in big team fights it completely takes you out of the fight since weaver has to be mobile. And his huge aoe silence is good for zoning you. LC just duels, forces you to rush linkens which isn't really ideal. Better build is something like lance, perserverance, deso/maelstrom, finish linkens.

                                                                                      Nothing else is that bad, just long disables in general. At 25 with super fast sukuchi and linkens and/or bkb though none of these hurt much except for axe and massive blade mail spam in general.

                                                                                      Also weaver is not as great in lane as people think. His range is really low, he'll go oom spamming sukuchi to harass, and he's squishy. You can win lane vs him with good strong laners, hell I've had PA be an issue in lane once he gets 3-4 and spams daggers non stop + poor man shield to block weaver dmg.


                                                                                        depends, what if it was a safe lane weaver?, he is really hard to zone out especially when the enemy team is running a tri lane

                                                                                        ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                                                          The best way to deal with an offlane Weaver is disruptor. Buy some clarity an spam your lv1 Q on him. He won't have enough regeneration to deal with that damage and will be forced to retreat. After laning stage you can set up a easy kill with your ult and even glimpse is perfect before he gets linkens.


                                                                                            Silencer (140dmg+hits lvl 1) and sentries were already told...

                                                                                            My favourite is Dragon Knight (if weaver is offlane)
                                                                                            1) Negating his blight stone + bugs - huge armor (lvl 2 - 7 armor), lowering dmg by 35% for 11 seconds. After DMG reduction (Breathe Fire - BF) and armor reduction, he gives around 30 dmg (+stout shield block).
                                                                                            2) Stun (2.5sec is huge) - if you stun him after 2 sec in shukuchi, he goes out visible. With lvl 4 and your nuke, if you have support - he is dead.
                                                                                            3) Huge regen (with 2 mangos, soulring and lvl 4, you have regen >9HP/sec - on lvl 4!). If you use your mangos, you have still 7.7HP/sec.
                                                                                            4) Nuke with 11 sec cooldown, dealing 300DMG (before resistance).

                                                                                            So if you count these - he does close to nothing to you and once you are lvl 5 and have PT+soulring, you can spam all the time big nuke, which takes 200dmg out of his 600HP pool. And you regenerate the health lost by soulring in 15-20sec.

                                                                                            Even if he buys raindrops, you can take them down with soulring in 2 minutes without losing a lot of mana with each nuke taking still 150 his HP.

                                                                                            If he dives with shukuchi and get stunned, while you are in ulti, he actually loses around 240dmg from nuke, 160-200dmg from passive and quite a lot of HP from hits - he just has to go home.

                                                                                            So yea, I feel like DK is one of the strongest counters. Only issue is for your support to keep you farming your soulring+PT and than you can force him out of the lane alone, leaving your support to go other lanes, stacking, farming or you can just push the tower and he cant do anything with that.

                                                                                            Bonus: Your stun forces him to go linkens (or he is insta dead in your stun). And since you force him out of lane, he will be really poor - while you are pushing raxes, it will be his only item.

                                                                                            2nd bonus: He either goes jungle (and he is shitty jungle) or disrupt other lane or they need another 2 supports to help him get something from the lane.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              you shouldn't be able to zone out any carry in a trilane, that's the whole point, supports babysit. In that case kill the solo offlaner, go jungle and get more net xp or gank mid. Take advantage of other lanes. I support if you pull some real cheesy stuff like sniper + axe + abba offlane you could beat their trilane, but it's probably not worth it. Although undying is very good vs trilanes with strength steal on 3 heroes potentially.


                                                                                                @Dire wolf

                                                                                                Usually I met weaver in HS/NS in the offlane, mostly solo, as he usually can leech XP and if nice lineup, he can even win a lane alone.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  solo offlane weaver is super easy to counter, just pick 1-2 disables and drop sentries, harass him every damn time he is visible. He has poor regen and if he spams sukuchi he will go oom.

                                                                                                  Here's last time I played vs solo offlane weaver, we totally zoned him out with mystic snake, lc once he hit 6 came and duel'd him every time off cd. ez