General Discussion

General DiscussionSince when solo offlane Sniper became a thing?

Since when solo offlane Sniper became a thing? in General Discussion

    Has the Earth seen more idiotic thing than solo offlane Sniper? What does a creature have in mind when it marks offlane, picks Sniper and types "let me solo?"

    meteor hammer

      don't you hate when the team holds you back?


        Because in low skill, any "support" or other dual lane partner will always hit the creep and thus, pushing the lane. Not to mention they try to out-LH you as well. Seriously, how did you out-LH earthshaker teammate that use aftershock+enchant totem to LH creep as drow pre-6. If it was enemy you could harrass them, but friend? Nah

        Then when they want to kill the enemies, they tell you to "don't farm, I want to gank, don't push the lane" meanwhile they kill your safelane hard camp stack that are meant to pull the lane (with echo slam at that lol)

        I could do (arguably) better on lane when left alone against dual offlane than being "supported" by lane partner who didn't know what they are doing since at least you could manage creepwave easier. Honestly, the only thing which are fun on solo low NS on sidelane laning stage is when you are playing support yourself since you can harrass easily and your enemies will stupidly ran at you then dies

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Pro feeder, wtf are you talking about?

          doc joferlyn simp

            Bob, try and understand before marking pro feeder of as crazy. That's a pretty good reason


              I mean, I was supposed to discuss solo offlane snipers, not pseudo-support Earthshakers

              doc joferlyn simp

                What does a creature have in mind when it marks offlane, picks Sniper and types "let me solo?"

                Are you even trying? Or is this your natural level of retardation? Do we have to spell it out for you?


                  Yeah occasionally my brain stops functioning for a brief period when I witness something unbelievably incredibly moroningly stupid so don't blame me


                    @blurrybob: sniper solo offlane is bad. But at least it is better than having bad dual lane partner (I use shit shaker player as example here). I try to explain the reasoning behind the "solo offlane sniper" decision

                    Sorry for being unbelievably incredibly moroningly stupid by your standard then


                      I also would rather play offlane antimage than having a dogshit support stacking the hardcamp to feed the enemy magnus while single pulling easy camp 24/7


                        Profeeder, there's been a little misunderstanding here. I didn't mean you. I meant that solo offlane sniper creature.


                          You can't comprehend simple sentences?


                            Its the same game that you feed with lc?


                              Yeah it was. And some other ones before. As I mentioned earlier my brain stops functioning in such situations


                                ive been theorycrafting offlane sniper, its definetley not the most retarded thing cuz he is a very strong 1v1 laner, so he forces the supports to babysit carry
                                its pretty bad, but not rock bottom
                                I was thinking something like wand treads drum lance
                                with those items ur not that squishy, then maybe some regular sniper items like pike, mjollnir.
                                just go something like starting tango + salve + 3 branch + circlet, get fast wand into boots into bracer into treads into drums, maybe get the windlace earlier.
                                just a theorycraft for some lulz

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  i remember someone here said his speciality was offlane sniper and he rekts with it lol


                                    It's a terrible decision. I have not seen many solo offlane Sniper doing anything right. Even jungling Sniper is better than this.

                                    Sniper can win most solo lanes, but against a dual lane on his own, he gets ganked easily.


                                      Just a 2k thing


                                        What can an offlane sniper offer to the team?


                                          tilt if u win the lane



                                            Just a 2k thing

                                            But with all seriousness :thinking:

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Support just wraps around hiding in the trees, and boom, sniper is either dead or completely zoned out.

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                Tbh sniper can offer cancerous sharpnells with quick lvls


                                                  Take a look at that match, i was earth spirit, with cm and luna safe lane against solo sniper, even though me and cm roam around a lot, i just rolled into him and kicked him towards my teammates, and then he's dead, ez kill for only 150 mana, and repeat again and again


                                                    HAHA OP picked LC jungle this game and fed 14 kills, while the mentioned sniper had highest hero damage and least deaths/highest kills :thinking:


                                                      best role for 2k is solo roamer no one would be fucking aware of bounty runes so it's all yours. It all boils down to on how you are able to translate your good earlygame to late game :thinking: midas


                                                        only in 2k


                                                          You idiotic piece of shit @thanks, I mentioned earlier that I got tilted af bec of the very fact that I'm going to have a game with offlane Sniper, and also my inner being didn't let me play my best bec I didn't want that shithead sniper win this match.


                                                            against good players, would get thrashed and would neither have xp , nor gold since they will zone you hard at early lvls and then youre easy kill with no items and less xp than the enemy safelane

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              Also I didn't pick Lc jungle, I never pick Lc jungle


                                                                TBH, the first mistake u made here op is assuming sniper pickers think

                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                  ^that's rough^


                                                                    when lc feeds, sniper takes over.