General Discussion

General DiscussionBest mid heroes in low mmr

Best mid heroes in low mmr in General Discussion

    Im saying mid because the side lanes are just a shit show of dual lanes and id much rather just play solo

    old man

      invoker, pudge (i only lost once when i played him mid as i can remember), storm, mirana, ta (literally unstoppable by plebs), earthshaker for the lul

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      doc joferlyn simp

        Nah, low MMR will see dual midlanes. Trust me, I've played dual mids in 1k-low 2k, it's shittier than dual side lanes because the two of you push lanes so much that the enemy mid can just pickup a ton of regen or a Bottle and last hit under their tower.

        Wanna play solo? Play jungle like a real man.


          Pugna for my boi zero


            pudge is the worst mid hero in dota 2

            doc joferlyn simp

              facka u pudj bet mid heroes in dota 2 hok to win !






                    ta is far and away the strongest mid in sub 4k

                    Lester, Moe

                      If it's 4k or below you just pick skywrath mage and in the game. Pretty simple

                      Lester, Moe

                        You could probably just go skywrath mid in any circumstance


                          How low are we speaking ? Viper shadow blade works nicely in very low brackets


                            @420 we are speaking like 1k low
                            @CA ill try ta mid my only problem with her is that she falls off super late game

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                              0k mmr shieeet

                              Just pick whatever hero is easiest to you


                                Pretty much most midlaners falls off lategame lol


                                  ^solution is pick a hard carry mid. Troll, situationally tb and morph can do the trick.

                                  casual gamer

                                    ta or storm. rosh killers are high value in shit tier and storm has really good pick and can depush retards with ult


                                      Storm is quite amazing on the deepest trench I gotta say


                                        "because the two of you push lanes so much that the enemy mid can just pickup a ton of regen or a Bottle and last hit under their tower."

                                        what are you talking about, you mean to say if your lane is getting pushed in, you abandon all the creeps dying quickly from your tower to get your rune?


                                          storm is godlike in low mmr


                                            I would say sf and lina due to both is quite easy and they are also a good laner and also have a good lategame impact. You can get a fast sb for sf(remember get aquila boots raindrop 1st) and for lina you can rush euls or sb after getting arcane or arcane soulring. You pretty much get your core item at around 10min and start killing everybody AND FARM

                                            Lester, Moe

                                              Nice cookie cutter guide, everything works that simply huh. START KILLING EVERYBODY, FUCK YEAH.

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                I really don't think there something special in my mid games, there isn't "best one" for low, maybe you can oick some high impact hero that isn't hard to play with objectives with
                                                So you could impact the game visibly
                                                Like dk


                                                  COOKIE GUIDE !!!!


                                                    Bloodstone is an item
                                                    And u dont rlly need any specific item on lina to start murdering people


                                                      Qop And Ta are the best.

                                                      Super Senko-san Time



                                                          Shadow fiend.



                                                            Magic Wand

                                                              Why are u saying side lanes are shit when carry is called carry because it carries a game? If u lose on safelane u better give up on mid too. You'll just end up blaming supps for being ganked etc. Midlane is far more complicated than pulling and last hitting on side lane.

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                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                classic mid carries that can farm fast . SF , TA , Storm



                                                                  -DI- TheDrengr

                                                                    it doesnt really matter what hero: as long as you can get 80 last hits, and a few kills and tower in 9 minutes or alternatively 100 last hits in 10 minutes.

                                                                    A lot of games I got t2 down at 12-13 minutes.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      anything that can demolish buildings quickly because nobody defends towers

                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                        anything that can demolish buildings quickly because nobody defends towers

                                                                        this is my preferred strategy. hitting rax while your team fights a 4v5 on a different part of their high ground is very game winning as long as you can deal with slow 1-2 man reactions without dying. Usually you get the rax and split their teamfight in half, and it's low risk if you have blink/pike/bkb type items

                                                                        >Easy Money.

                                                                          dragon knight. spells are straightforward, he has good regen, and pushes well


                                                                            sniper people rarely gank. even if they do they arent good at ganking mid they will just walk towards u and die


                                                                              viper. You should never lose a low mmr lane with viper. So many games where i can just sit on my opponents highground and completely zone them.


                                                                                Sniper, Zues and Viper are the heroes with quite high winrate in mid, so you can take them as first reference. Other than that, Invoker is good, and so is Shadow Fiend and Templar Assassin, but the former requires a lot of practice while the latter two are situational (neither of these factors are taken into account by most people, which explains the low win rate despite being in mid all the time).

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