General Discussion

General DiscussionHow 2 git gud at initiate

How 2 git gud at initiate in General Discussion

    Why im so suck at this kind of thing like chronosphere, rp, black hole
    Should i go 1v0 lobby, using cheats and go practicing these shit on creep so i can get muscle memory??????

    Its suck when you are love playing the "press R and WAOWWWWWW SJFEKDOHWOD COMMENDED" kind of hero but you suck at initiator offlane hero so you end up playing cm

    Ten temat był edytowany
    doc joferlyn simp

      You have a high winrate with Slardar and Axe, things shouldn't be too hard

      If this is bait then well played you got me good


        But slardar and axe not that kind of hero
        Do you read the "press r" part

        doc joferlyn simp

          It's literally the same except it's "press q"


            But slardar and axe you can hit nothing without losing thegame and getting reported

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              There is no easy way, you gotta play the hero over and over again until you get the feel of when is the good time to pop your gamebreaking skill and where
              It's not like you can go watch a universe void replay and note yourself "oh he land chrono on 4 man when they clump up" then do that shit consistently instantly


                Sincerely, a 100 game void spamming retard