General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless Void is at his strongest

Faceless Void is at his strongest in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    I often hear people saying that faceless void is not good anymore, rip Void, he cant carry now.

    But why? They say backtrack is gone.

    Backtrack has a proc chance of 25%.
    Time walk has an uptime of 33%...removes damage done in last two seconds, 6 seconds cooldown ability.

    And its better because you choose what damage you negate, the old backtrack may evade a rightclick but not Laguna blade for example, but with time walk you can choose the damage you evade.

    Backtrack is better because even if your works, but it can be broken with silveredge.

    Timewalk doesnt slow enemies but has less cooldown and at lvl 25 you get the same old raduis...1275.

    Void is better even without the time dialation, but with that op abiltiy that basically is a 12 seconds silence with 22 secs cooldown, + 14% less ms and as...its just stupid to think that old void was better.

    Cooldown of Chronosphere increased...that is only the down side.
    Even timelock is better, in the past it does double the damage inside chrono it has twice the damage everywhere.

    Less base armor by 1 and attack by 4...thats it.

    Watch my last fv game and learn how to offlane and rape a pro carry.

    Gl & hf


      jokes on you there was a vid when backtrack evaded both laguna and finger at the same time

      Player 153433446

        Saw it...but nothing is certain with a passive ability

        Story Time

          no flash farm ability, long cd on chrono early game make him unable to afk jungle or to farm on enemies... those are main reasons. But offlane/utility void is ok now

          Fee Too Pee

            Faceless void players unite!

            77 percent winrate as FV this month

            he is very strong atm but barely played by anyone atm. The jungle change actually make either offlane void or safelane void BATTLEFURY (YES BATTLEFURY) very strong

            Player 153433446

              ^^ true that, fv is so underrated...personally I like to offlane with him because its harder than the safelane, I let any other fool safelane.

              And I think a refresher on fv is the most op item... you can destroy 3-4 players alone.
              Good luck man

              Story Time

                bfury on void :D pls ff, gg


                  I play offlane void and he's pretty strong but often overlooked. FV players unite!

                  Player 153433446

                    ^^ mana and hp regen, true its not the best item but can definitely work with the right line up.

                    I would rather buy a midas and a hotd and save extra 500...that gives farming and fighting capabilities+ xp
                    If you buy bf you hope the enemy dont find you till you get manta

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      time walk used to be super long range and has a slow

                      Fee Too Pee

                        tbh BF void is like AM. But you do not get weaker as the game goes very late.
                        Not that weak in lane , poorman blink for camps to camps.

                        I admit you are slower in farm than AM , but you can actually fight with team pre manta with chrono and the my favourite part is :

                        u have weaver ulti with million range at lvl 25 seemsgood. which is not rare to get because u get BF / Farming build
                        safe lane hard carry void is back for me

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          "watch my last game"
                          "6 months ago"


                            Timewalk is basically merged with his backtrack skill. The slow is now with his second skill, and it can really lockdown some spell dependent heroes.


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                                FV is a very good utility combined with invoker, tinker, sniper etc.

                                Problem is, its hard to kill anyone outside of chrono without bkb and mobility item like blink. But first of all u need mealstrom while u have paper hp pool, so basicly you need at least 4 items (with boots) to be able to fight more than once per chrono. In addition he doesnt farm that fast as his counters like Sven. You cannot solo kill sven with FV or any other tanky line-ups.

                                And chrono is very ez to counter by:

                                - kotl
                                - Jakiro
                                - Eul's scepter
                                - Invoker's tornado and deafening blast
                                - Venge's ult
                                - etc.


                                  Anyone knew this shit ever since the 6.86 patch came lol
                                  That patch he became one of the top utility offlaner with agha dagger, and went back to his roots at 6.87 of being a dps core at most games, despite with a different build (vlad diffu manta), before being nerfed at 6.88e/d into super niche pick
                                  He's pretty good right now, the RTR talent removal ,agi gain buff, and dilation slow buff is pretty good, but doesn't exactly fit the high paced meta
                                  His downtime is MUCH MUCH MUCH more abusable right now than in 7.05 or before, with the removal of some shrine and easier highground sieges


                                    void is not a bad hero at all, but when heroes like AM/SVEN/Invoker/TA can almost solo win games and be solo factor that decides game, void just cant.he is not a safelane carry.


                                      I might spam him again but right now I'm quite bored of his gameplay

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        tbh the ultimate underated counter for him is sniper

                                        i die in chrono lmao . death best counter


                                          I find him too ult dependent.


                                            Best counter to void is QoP and AM they can dodge your chrono kappa

                                            Player 153433446

                                              With time walk and time lock and diffusal, how do you espace him? Or fight him? Bash bash bash

                                              No...he isnt chrono dependant


                                                You go diff after manta. Thats when Sven has PT + Blink + echo + deadalus, and 1 shots you. Maybe on 3k it works since people farm super slow, so your lack of flash farm deosnt matter.

                                                We will talk when u reach at least 4.5 k ,when carries start to have 10x min mark last hits, and people actually start playing together and using their brains.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                Player 153433446

                                                  ^^ its not all about raw damage and farm, fv more likely to survive a gank, almost impossible to kill on lane so he gets farmed up quickly aswell.

                                                  Fv has more mobility in a fight, can chase and takeout supports better...sven ulti, blink, stun right-click...then he gets kitted to death.

                                                  Fv counters more heroes..weaver bb invo qop am ls etc...

                                                  Not saying he is unbeatable or the hardest carry...but he as fuck not weak or out of the meta by anymeans


                                                    I'm not sure about POS 1 Void but I think POS 3 Void is good if you can position and catch properly.


                                                      I think in the current meta position 1 void is better than position 3.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Void isn't bad cus the hero is bad, just cus the meta has changed. It's not battlefury farming meta anymore where he could afk farm for 30 minutes, get battlefury, mojllnir and daedulus and then go kill entire teams during chrono.

                                                        Same thing happened to PA and jug, those heroes go fighting builds now, deso + vanguard/vlads and mjollnir or diffusal + manta.



                                                          matumbaman faceless void new meta

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            mask would be so nice on void but idk if he can survive without being able to blink for 8 seconds.


                                                              New meta? More like old meta cumming bek


                                                                O yeah so void can survive a sven with daedalus and echo jumping at you,also 'void isnt chrono dependant' wtf is that,he's literally picked for that


                                                                  sure void might be unable to survive sven ulti jumping him, but sven cant survive void chrono either, so kinda same shit.

                                                                  also void having linkens counters the sven jump, whereas sven is dieing in chrono no matter what.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    really miss the old mjolnir + battlfury + mom daedalus build where chrono on hero would be confirmed kill.

                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                      Void a bad hero? He's been a top tier offlaner for a while, maybe not in recent patches (7.00 era) but he was pretty up there for late 6.86, 6.87, and 6.88, maybe 7.00.

                                                                      The good part about him is that he scales infinitely into the late thanks to chrono, and he might not be able to flash farm, but if a game goes super late game don't underestimate offlane void with items. Like even just Treads, Vlads, Manta, Diffusal, BKB, Mjollnir/MKB, or whatever item you decide to make on him late game still hits hard.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        Why are we discussing void rework in 2017


                                                                          Fv is good.
                                                                          Even if he doesn't have good farm, if the fv understands how to use his ult, it is a won teamfight.


                                                                            Void is very strong and good carry, but people keep making same build for offlane and safelane.
                                                                            When I see safelane void with late midas or freaking vlad I wanna cut myself.
                                                                            Proper safelane void build will rape entire enemy to the ground.


                                                                              When I see safelane void with late midas or freaking vlad I wanna cut myself.

                                                                              I fucking hope you're not implying that the BF build is better than vlad

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                but...but..... this is farming patch :(

                                                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                    BF build is not better than vlad? wtf are u smoking?


                                                                                      Just checked your profile
                                                                                      How the fuck are you gonna sustain yourself with mjo rush?
                                                                                      What's gonna happen post chrono? Die in 3 shots because you're still squishy af without sustain? I've tried vlad mjo and various kind of build, pretty sure vlad/linken rush into utility dps/diffu manta is the best bet in most of the game


                                                                                        BF is still milion times betetr than vlad. Again, carry job is to farm and kill enemies, gl killing everyone with vlad, threads and some aquila at 15 min of game.
                                                                                        Dont get me wrong, vlad is ok item, but not as first item at ANY carry (maybe except ursa).

                                                                                        ^ Ps. if you have no ogar teammates with such build you wont carry a game.

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          nah bf into manta into linkens/bkb is best !!!!!!!

                                                                                          and have support buy a vlads for you!

                                                                                          oh and you take the strength and +300 hp talents when you go bfury because you will have all the gold u need from farm so you are not squishy at all.

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            Yea sure n0tail definitely carried OG's ass with BF void in Kiev major that's the only reason why they got to finals shit is so next level!!!!


                                                                                              Sorry i barely knew anything about the hero im sorry please share me more of your insight my mind has been opened

                                                                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                                                Player 153433446

                                                                                                  Once you buy Mjollnir..its there till the game ends.
                                                                                                  Unlike bf, you can go vlads, maelstorm, manta then Mjollnir so you won't go all in on a farming item.
                                                                                                  Personally i didn't try bf alot but think Mjollnir works better because
                                                                                                  1 You can go maelstrom then mjollnir
                                                                                                  2 Late game item
                                                                                                  3 Fv benifits more from attack speed cause of time lock
                                                                                                  4 Better in team fights...all that electricity procing
                                                                                                  Bf gives mana and hp regen but so does a hotd or vlads.
                                                                                                  Faceless Void players unite! 

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  Savvy Cat


                                                                                                      I keep getting cucked by mana burn as void, it feels like as a carry he needs way too many defensive items to not die
                                                                                                      I think he serves as a niche offlaner rn and nothing more, his carrying potential feels really low unless I'm against an enemy team with no disables or mana burn and I last pick or smth