razor flames me for losing mid (false) and shows me his carry skills from freefarm lane by buying phase vanguard blademail agh and ending up with 318 gpm
Picked Anti Mage and Invoker on the same team. From what I understand, both are carries who don't really carry until after 25 minutes (after having relevant items). Winning that game would require some serious split pushing, space creating (sacrificing a death for 2 minutes of ff for someone), and just straight up delaying the game. Kinda hard to do against a Lycan + Jugg anyways.
Maybe picking something a little more relevant early game woulda helped. But wudoino.
u realize noones gonna trade hits with am especially when ure an offlaner and playing catch or afking in trees till u get 2x totem isnt a problem for u unlike for am who is also supposed to get lasthits
if rubick or bh appear on the lane once then he just loses all of his mana doesnt he
even if he loses the lane then how does he die 8 times and have 3 items in endgame
nevertheless i count that game as "not having ruiner in team" soo i got a match with a LS jungle that afk jungled all game and refused to buy HH, a drow that only splitpushed, and all other lanes but mine got destroyed early by a roaming sk / lc offlane, i have to buy like 15 wards because my supp is too dumb and refuses to buy wards early instead flames the LS and stands around
pretty sure arin would call gg and tilt
but i still won even though im a delusional "my team holds me back" smurf :)
my enchant match:
crying solo off ES that dies non stop, a BB with no impact that runs around and spam-pings the map everytime he dies somewhere on the other side of the map (bb pos 1 btw)...
every second match is like this yet i havent lost a game for a good time
I get these two jackasses who decide to feed fb, " I'm practicing on Invoker" So those two decide to go offlane duo pudge and invoker against the enemy trilane. Min 8 troll warlord is godlike.
The sad thing? These two clowns were trying. They would oddly communicate over mic " Guys are we going to defend our bottom T1 ??" after then raxed our toplane 15 mins. "NO invoker, no we are not you mother Ducking shiit stain" I replied.
Normally I don't tilt but these two just brought the rage right out of me. Party MMR in solo, and this guy is practicing invoker.
I knew I was in for a bad time after I picked 1st when I checked this offlane invokers DB and found his buddy pudge and him had a 33% WR together. FUN FACT!!! Apparently you can be carried 33% of your games. These guys played like 1k shitlords who honestly had no idea what was going on. Pudge was lvl 6 at min 18. Amazing. now I'm sure your all like " man this guy is just toxic" nope.
my BS is 9972. There you have it folks, BS means nothing.
i can kinda understand practicing heroes but overly positive and positive people who try to cover up being 0 10 and then try to gather entire team against you when you say something against him since you're obviously in wrong when he's so nice and positive player
or theres other kind of specimen who are like really positive and very active in chat during pick phase and first 5 mins of the game until one thing goes wrong and he starts flaming the shit out of everyone and destroys items
ywn i calibrated the moment i got my foot at lvl13 back on the days lol
btw i just won a game were my team clockwork keept on afk jungle / feeding blood thirst
ok ywn i agree with u there's cancer players in dota tried to convince him either to get bkb or at least early raindrops to sustain in lane he flamed me and end up feeding
dammit just dammit.
"mid or afk"
"you chose to have -25"
afk jungles, buys midas, destroys it and feeds
zeus decides that the game is unwinnable before enemy reaches hg while he could've easily defend it with me and afks at fountain
yeah i guess in int ranked many games are unwinnable. when you have to play sb roaming as highest mmr, some dude randoms tiny and has lower lvl then your roaming sb 15 minutes into the game, your mid second picks invo (43% winrate) its im to call GG
and of the invo leaves the lane empty for like 5 minutes trying to gank lanes, and suddenly the PA is 4 lvls ahead of anyone or this game where even after 50 minutes of telling NP and Ember to jump on sniper to stop him from dealing damage from the back their small brains forget it as soon as some fight starts
whats with carry players not being able to get farm while im fucking the enemy team in the asshole
legit stood in this guys lane and fired missiles until the wr left
razor flames me for losing mid (false) and shows me his carry skills from freefarm lane by buying phase vanguard blademail agh and ending up with 318 gpm
oh and guess who i got in team next game
I go 1v3 mid and still this happens.
And the next game I have to play with a jungle BB and despite me going 1v3 (again), TA gets a 12 min deso and Luna gets freefarm.
These were the last Int ranked games for me probably.
i played this game
i won it
i played this game
i lost it
fucking gay-ben forced 50% gg
against all odds
bh was afk with sage mask and 8 clarities for the whole mid game
eu blackxargon
no way
im not making 4 paragraphs long guides on how to win in 4k after i win twice in a row with one hero
is cuckie simply a 5k blackxargon?![:thinking:](/assets/emojis/thinking-3fe339c8a258c8a4fd313b445c0b291ecf765161073031ab65f20233fb0988ae.gif)
i promised myself to not flame cookie for an indefinite amount of time after he watched one of my replays on his own
completely winnable game
please notice how noone in the enemy team ever does this even when they're losing while i get this kind of people twice in a day
aand guess what apparently afking bounty hunter who ruins the game on purpose and gets carried isn't enough to receive low prio
no offlaner and venge randomly decides to.. random and dual mid with me
little they know im blessed by spunki and ywn believes in me
Lina mid buys back couple times to speed up her farming speed
@utaha-senpai kato best girl fight me now
can someone explain to me how does antimage lose lane to shaker to the point that he has 3 items in 35 minutes of farming
ure welcome
LMAO mental orgasm. fuck that guy is enlightened. but its also really sad if its true
Picked Anti Mage and Invoker on the same team. From what I understand, both are carries who don't really carry until after 25 minutes (after having relevant items). Winning that game would require some serious split pushing, space creating (sacrificing a death for 2 minutes of ff for someone), and just straight up delaying the game. Kinda hard to do against a Lycan + Jugg anyways.
Maybe picking something a little more relevant early game woulda helped. But wudoino.
well he lastpicked am
what do i do about that except trying to talk him out of it (which i did)
i understand that shakers super cancer against melees but antimage..?
ruiners in enemy team for the first time after 50 games good job valve
u realize noones gonna trade hits with am especially when ure an offlaner and playing catch or afking in trees till u get 2x totem isnt a problem for u unlike for am who is also supposed to get lasthits
if rubick or bh appear on the lane once then he just loses all of his mana doesnt he
even if he loses the lane then how does he die 8 times and have 3 items in endgame
nevertheless i count that game as "not having ruiner in team"
how generous
do u count ruiners in enemy team too?
oh wait i forgot
u can't
soo i got a match with a LS jungle that afk jungled all game and refused to buy HH, a drow that only splitpushed, and all other lanes but mine got destroyed early by a roaming sk / lc offlane, i have to buy like 15 wards because my supp is too dumb and refuses to buy wards early instead flames the LS and stands around
pretty sure arin would call gg and tilt
but i still won even though im a delusional "my team holds me back" smurf :)
my enchant match:
crying solo off ES that dies non stop, a BB with no impact that runs around and spam-pings the map everytime he dies somewhere on the other side of the map (bb pos 1 btw)...
every second match is like this yet i havent lost a game for a good time
vokers so broken i just ran around and threw icewalls with tornadoes on everyone and ursa just killed everything despite my feeding
i would keep playing though
Here ya go ARIN:
I get these two jackasses who decide to feed fb, " I'm practicing on Invoker" So those two decide to go offlane duo pudge and invoker against the enemy trilane. Min 8 troll warlord is godlike.
The sad thing? These two clowns were trying. They would oddly communicate over mic " Guys are we going to defend our bottom T1 ??" after then raxed our toplane 15 mins. "NO invoker, no we are not you mother Ducking shiit stain" I replied.
Normally I don't tilt but these two just brought the rage right out of me. Party MMR in solo, and this guy is practicing invoker.
I knew I was in for a bad time after I picked 1st when I checked this offlane invokers DB and found his buddy pudge and him had a 33% WR together. FUN FACT!!! Apparently you can be carried 33% of your games. These guys played like 1k shitlords who honestly had no idea what was going on. Pudge was lvl 6 at min 18. Amazing. now I'm sure your all like " man this guy is just toxic" nope.
my BS is 9972. There you have it folks, BS means nothing.
lol, just lol man.
tick solo q only in advanced options
i can kinda understand practicing heroes but overly positive and positive people who try to cover up being 0 10 and then try to gather entire team against you when you say something against him since you're obviously in wrong when he's so nice and positive player
or theres other kind of specimen who are like really positive and very active in chat during pick phase and first 5 mins of the game until one thing goes wrong and he starts flaming the shit out of everyone and destroys items
reading this post make me thinking if i really want to climb from 1k dude its look like the same shit i have over here is on every single bracket
i dont understand how someone unironically calibrates below 2k
Looks like weebtard is on winstreak. Would be shame if Gaben intentionally puts some paid MMR killers in his game
kinda suprising since i deserved a loss in both games to be honest
playing with 4 hour sleep is not good even though you don't feel anything strange
ywn i calibrated the moment i got my foot at lvl13 back on the days lol
btw i just won a game were my team clockwork keept on afk jungle / feeding blood thirst
ok ywn i agree with u there's cancer players in dota
tried to convince him either to get bkb or at least early raindrops to sustain in lane he flamed me and end up feeding
dammit just dammit.
Thanks man, I forgot about that option to make sure I don't get party in solo.
"mid or afk"
"you chose to have -25"
afk jungles, buys midas, destroys it and feeds
zeus decides that the game is unwinnable before enemy reaches hg while he could've easily defend it with me and afks at fountain
if there is any game where you would buy 2 hearts, please do not pick antimage
he died 6 times as much as you. He clearly needed that extra health to survive.
he shouldve bought 3 butterflies so he could be as survivable as me![:thinking:](/assets/emojis/thinking-3fe339c8a258c8a4fd313b445c0b291ecf765161073031ab65f20233fb0988ae.gif)
Are you on dotafire?
me? no
yeah i guess in int ranked many games are unwinnable. when you have to play sb roaming as highest mmr, some dude randoms tiny and has lower lvl then your roaming sb 15 minutes into the game, your mid second picks invo (43% winrate) its im to call GG
and of the invo leaves the lane empty for like 5 minutes trying to gank lanes, and suddenly the PA is 4 lvls ahead of anyone
or this game where even after 50 minutes of telling NP and Ember to jump on sniper to stop him from dealing damage from the back their small brains forget it as soon as some fight starts
have u tried being pa
nice ruiner on sb
First pick mid to win every game . Thanks me later
i fp roaming sb in 4k avg games with no problem
i feel like this thread has become an AA meeting for the MMR grieved