i know its hard to accept but sometimes the lanes that should have not been lost are lost and sometimes its not explicitly anyones fault
some arbitrary clockwerk that "camped" ur lane(showed up mid 2 times in 5 minutes and got 2 kills on u) then might have went top and fucked shit up there - but u dont notice that. maybe ur team dove the tower and enemies were fast to react after u have commited and that completely turned the lane over. shit doesnt always go by the book no matter how good u are
not that much but more than linken for sure, at least i could kite wk and get a bit tanky
linken doesnt do shit if im focused by 3+ ppl while my team watches so at least skadi would give me some chance to retaliate
if i go full on defensive and just play as carefully as possible, i just lose by default because the team composition changes from 4 people not initiating and not doing anything to 5
i wish i could do that and have like pango rolling in or lion who blinks in and catches a hero out of position but that is not the case in average 4k game
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: my invoker friend from last game
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: hello my friend
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: roll for mid pls
[Allies] Kristian-: hey man
Kristian- rolls (1-100):
01 rolls (1-100):
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: kristian good mid
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: he raped last game
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: wp
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: let him mid my friend
[Allies] Kristian-: yo 01
[Allies] Kristian-: wanna carry?
[Allies] 01: n
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: 01 watch kristians profile
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: awesome invoker performance
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: brb guys
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: shits coming out
[Allies] Kristian-: 580 games 67%
[Allies] Kristian-: lul
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: wait till i reply back
[Allies] 01: can u dc then
[Allies] 01: so we can pause
something tells me that i'll feel like slitting my wrists by min 15
so what?
even if i get mid, i lose
even if i dumpster enemy midlaner, i lose
even if i'm positive, i lose
even if i don't give up, i lose
i died with monster kill streak
loss inc
not even ten minutes later and dire got megacreeps
what r those items
giving a shit about item builds
ye nvm bkb not good here anway carry on
please learn you guys.
the "I want to get dueled and live but probably won't have the networth" starter pack
u backslide really easily. u died at 27:00 with 10 4 2 and end the game at 36 with 10 7 3 and the exact same items
so idk what ur doing but it looks like ur running in circles in fountain for 9 minutes going by the stat screen
im doing well and my team is not = fuck my team gg
im not doing well while my team is = fuck my team gg
is it possible for arin to be at fault?
^they hate him because he speaks the truth
you should say "the failure of the war draws near" whenever you died
i have absolutely zero problems with sacrificing myself for a more valuable teammate
the problem is that not only that my teammates lose lanes that shouldnt be lost, but also i get flamed for not winning my unwinnable one
also garbage midgame decisions trigger me far more than screwed up laning stage (which is often understandable)
i was going to bump this thread but didnt need to feelsgoodman
why would you do that though
i know its hard to accept but sometimes the lanes that should have not been lost are lost and sometimes its not explicitly anyones fault
some arbitrary clockwerk that "camped" ur lane(showed up mid 2 times in 5 minutes and got 2 kills on u) then might have went top and fucked shit up there - but u dont notice that. maybe ur team dove the tower and enemies were fast to react after u have commited and that completely turned the lane over. shit doesnt always go by the book no matter how good u are
in 4k random shit happens and u win or lose based on the quality and speed of ur reaction imo
This thread should be banned because it is one person whining and all his friends trying to console him and tell him nicely that he's bad.
this thread is open to anyone's whining
and yet only one individual who can truly whine for 40 pages. I applaud you.
every other thread is HOW TO GIT CASSETTE TAPE, who fucking cares about "thread quality"
Never said this wasn't a high quality thread.
It is a work of art actually.
and i am very proud of it
Still would ban it.
try me
It is scientifically impossible for Dotards to hold any intelligent discussions.
Because dota is a prison for mentally challenged kids like us
I don't play anymore btw kappa
because i felt like i won't be able to kill anyone with linkens as a purely defensive item
.... with skadi u were just a walking bag of gold, waiting to be claimed
how do u imagine raw skadi helping u kill any of those heroes or allowing u to go toe to toe with them
not that much but more than linken for sure, at least i could kite wk and get a bit tanky
linken doesnt do shit if im focused by 3+ ppl while my team watches so at least skadi would give me some chance to retaliate
linken makes sure u dont die to a simple duel or dismember
if i go full on defensive and just play as carefully as possible, i just lose by default because the team composition changes from 4 people not initiating and not doing anything to 5
i wish i could do that and have like pango rolling in or lion who blinks in and catches a hero out of position but that is not the case in average 4k game
if u are ultra farmed but easily killable hero you will lose by default
and i went for a middle way with "not being easily killable" and "doing something in fights"
u do plenty in fights with linken over skadi, way more than that skadi
u will do more when u are alive than dead lol
why do my enemies get void into fp venge second game in a row
do they think theyre that good or what
oh wait that would be THREE games in a row my bad
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: my invoker friend from last game
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: hello my friend
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: roll for mid pls
[Allies] Kristian-: hey man
Kristian- rolls (1-100):
01 rolls (1-100):
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: kristian good mid
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: he raped last game
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: wp
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: let him mid my friend
[Allies] Kristian-: yo 01
[Allies] Kristian-: wanna carry?
[Allies] 01: n
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: 01 watch kristians profile
[Allies] Hans-Bobby: awesome invoker performance
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: brb guys
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: shits coming out
[Allies] Kristian-: 580 games 67%
[Allies] Kristian-: lul
[Allies] Last Hope for SEA: wait till i reply back
[Allies] 01: can u dc then
[Allies] 01: so we can pause
something tells me that i'll feel like slitting my wrists by min 15
how do these retards end up in your server
first time in 100 games where i got carried while playing awfully
i mean having slardar passive - aggresively flaming me since pick stage would probably help but w/e, i muted him too late so i take that on myself
but how did they win with a deadweight??? i thought thats impossible from ur posts!