General Discussion

General Discussion706 bug?

706 bug? in General Discussion

    Hello! I like to play dota 2 for fun, so I am no expert and maybe this new topic I made (my 1st) is something useless for some reason. But to the point. I love to play AA aka Kaldr and noticed very strange and unpredictible aiming with his Ice Blast ultimate? Can somebody explain to me please wtf? :) When I fire the first projectile to mark the spot I wanna to blast in AA then shoots the 2nd one but this one does not reach the destination I marked with the first one but explodes somewhere before the targeted area making his ultimate annoying to use coz it is just pure guess work now. Please help and say it is just a bug that will be hopefully fixed soon. Thanks guys ;)


      I'm not sure if this thread is a joke or it's serious, I really can't tell.

      mentally handicapped

        bro the first cast is to make aa shoot his ice ball. for the second one to hit perfectly you need to cast it at the EXACT place you want it to hit. reaction time serves you well in this regard


          aFeect: Not a joke!
          mentally handicapped: I know how AA ulti works. After 706 it does not work like that at least for me as far as I know. Have you tried? It is most obvious for longer shots.

          mentally handicapped

            i had a teammate earlier today and he hit sick ice blasts to help our teammates in the midlane when he was supporting me in the bottom lane. idk what you are talking about maybe a graphics issue?


              Sigh. Can you try in dota practice lane for yourself? Why speculate how many teeth a horse has rather than go and count them? Graphic issue is interesting explanation but not sure if that is the case. I guess I will have to make a video to prove I am not a complete retard and I have serious issue here ....

              mentally handicapped

                why would i count the teeth myself when i can ask from someone who knows? this is why i told you my teammate earlier doesnt have problems. i saw it myself, and i didnt see him complaining

                proof that im not talking out of my ass:


                  watched your match and it seems that others dont have this issue even though I can still see this bug. Any suggestion then? reinstall dota? o.O

                  mentally handicapped

                    reinstall seems to be your best bet. good luck man


                      Don't play AA for fuck sake.


                        Thx man I am gonna need it. Several hours downloading with uncertain result :/


                          Approach If You Dare: Great advice! You have been very helpful. Thx! *smh*


                            NP man. Least i could do for you. <3


                              Feel free to ask further questions i will try to solve them for you like this one :) .

                              ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                Actually it happened to me in one game, but not happened in another game.
                                I dont know maybe when you use different setting, some setting make this things happened (I use different PC for both game).
                                Havent prove it yet though.

                                But IT DID HAPPENED.
                                The Ice Blast (second "projectile) didnt reach my target (first projectile).


                                  Hello good sirs, I think what this guy meant is that the spell animation for AA's ult is much earlier than the effect. Happened to me last night, i had to target the ice blast by minimap. It not also just for AA. Any projectile spells have their animation way earlier than the effect. Last night after i played AA, I tried to play kunkka and my ult, ghostship breaks down before the effect. Idk though, maybe this is just on my side but ive read a discussion about this thing on steam discussions and it seems theres a couple ppl who hv the same problems as I do.


                                    I hope I dont have to land chronospheres with delayed effect now

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      YES! FINALLY! It's good to know that I am not going crazy. My teammate even saw and agreed there was something wrong. I play AA a lot and I knew something was off about the ult. I even did practice shots to show my team: I would aim the marker at the Rosh pit. Then when the marker is in the Rosh pit I would release but it the actual Ice Blast area would end by the radiant ward spot! There IS a bug with his marker projectile, you are not going crazy and I'm glad I finally found someone who sees the same problem. Thank you.

                                      Savvy Cat

                                        I had someone tell me to restart my pc then verify my local content files for Dota to fix some of the bigger issues lately. It helped for like 20 games, but they returned. It has something to do with the fps drop for me. The game gets choppy and lags, then I go down to about 9 fps until I restart and once more verify my files. The most common hero to notice this with is Mirana; fire Sacred Arrow and you won't even be sure it will land. Sometimes they seem to lag out of it and sometimes it flies way off and they wind up stunned.

                                        Changing graphics from ultra to lowest does nothing to fix it.


                                          Well thats weird because yesterday some mirana roamer didnt say anything and landed nearly every single arrow


                                            all of the people that say something is wrong with aa's ult are 1k.....................

                                            Savvy Cat

                                              I haven't said anything to any team mates except asking if they were having problems with fps or lag as well. Some say they have experienced while most just say 'buy a new pc'. I did upgrade my modem to an $80 one on the 12th; which was around when it started. It might be that or it might be what other users on Steam have actually been talking about in the last couple of weeks. I'll try to find some posts about it.


                                              I just remembered that I didn't want to play any games after the new patch release until I installed my new modem because I kept losing connection and didn't want to get an abandon until it was installed.

                                              Edit 2.

                                              I did play on the 9th though and my fps was still averaging 30-35 fps on average. On the 12th it dropped by an average of 10-15. I just checked my archived streams to be sure. I guess it might really be my new modem after all... I feel kind of ripped off if so.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                Yesterday I was playing phoenix with AA on my team
                                                He was talking about this kind of bug related to ult targeting for the whole game.
                                                Seems like it's time to make a post on reddit lul

                                                Joe Kerr

                                                  I have the same thing happen to me since 706. I played 2 games and at start it work just fine but then towards the end of the game the shot is always around 20% short of where the tracer go, forcing me to only use it point blank.



                                                    Vem Comigo

                                                      Its a very rare bug, its something tied up with packet loss.


                                                        Spectre dagger , Mirana arrow, Clock rocket, Tusk snowball & Ice shard and Invoker tornado also get the same glitch in my PC.


                                                          I have the issue with arc warden ghost
                                                          The dmg and slow got delayed yesterday. But 7.06b already fix it (for me)


                                                            Also happening to me. Puck's orb, mirana's arrow, invoker's tornado etc... So annoying.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              This actually happens often with packet loss - the information of you pressing ult for the 2nd time doesn't reach the server in time, and the game doesn't compensate for it properly. Your internet connection is to blame.

                                                              Savvy Cat

                                                                I recently did a few games where I had 10-20 fps on about 60% rendered settings and then switched to another account to play another game. I came back to this one to play a few more and my fps went up to 25-35 and I put settings back to 100%. I also went offline and checked it out: averaged 30-45 there without any extra particles to render.

                                                                In the first scenario, several skills were being delayed, as mentioned above. In the scenario afterwards, the delay ceased to exist.